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When we get home I grab the mail from the mailbox and head toward the house closing the gate behind me.

I get inside and look around "Natalie?!" I see a glass on the kitchen floor "hello?"

Lucky growls and walks towards the glass "Lucky?"

He looks towards the back yard and starts barking "no!"

I run towards him and see Ryland's friend Chase outside "stay here."

I open the back door and raise my eyebrow at him "hey!"

He jumps and looks at me "hi."

He walks towards me and smiles "what are you doing here?"

He nods towards the pool and I see Ryland pop his head up "we are cleaning your pool and cutting the tree's?"

He hands me a branch and smiles "it was Ryland's idea."

I drop the branch and walk towards Ryland "hey!"

He looks at me and smirks "hey beautiful!." I scoff and shake my head "you can't just show up all the time? Lucky could have seriously hurt Chase."

He looks at Lucky and stroke his chin "that wouldn't be so bad?" I roll my eyes and scoff "not funny!"

He gets out the pool and hands me a bag full of leaves "fine."

He looks towards Chase and whistles "let's go."

He smiles at me and hands me the gloves "good luck."

He walks towards the door and Chase follows him "I don't need these!"

I point towards my pool vacuum and smirk "I have this!"

They walk out the front door without saying another word.

I take a deep breath and look at Lucky "I should do some work."

I grab my laptop and spend the next few hours looking at things for the club that I didn't even notice Natalie come in "hey!" I jump and take my headphones off "hi."

She smiles softly and nods towards the laptop "what you doing?" I sit up and she walks towards me sitting down "after the whole Alisha thing I just thought I should look at new things for the club? Not a lot but small things like glasses? Chairs?"

She smiles softly and points towards red and black chairs "these would look good in VIP?"

She stands up and smiles "would match the stripper pole in there."

I laugh nervously and shrug "I was always thinking about that?" She grins and nods agreeing "finally! I hate the thing and can't wait for you to get rid of it."

I raise my eyebrows and shake my head "what? No! I was going to suggest that we should offer someone to dance on it. Only when it's really busy."

She shrugs and takes her shoes off "that's a great idea too."

She walks toward the stairs and smiles "I'm going for a bath before date night with Nick."

She runs upstairs and I start going through new furniture again.

I look at my phone and see 3 missed call's from Ryland so I call him back..

"Belle?!" I hear his voice from downstairs so I hang up and stand up "Ryland?" I walk towards the bedroom door and see him running towards me "why didn't you answer your phone?"

I raise my eyebrow and shake my head "I was busy. What's wrong?"

He takes a deep breath and cuddles me "Natalie told me that you was here alone tonight so I wanted to see if you wanted me to grab a pizza and keep you company but when you wasn't answering I thought something happened."

I roll my eyes and smirk "I'm fine? Pizza does sound good though?"

I shrug and he smiles "I will order it you we can go chill in the cinema room?" I smile softly and nod agreeing.

"I need to go into the club and sort everything out but rain check?" He smiles softly and walks towards the stairs "sure."

I take a deep breath and watches he walks away.

I look at the time and smile "I should get dressed."

I feed Meow and Lucky and wave at them "see yous later!"

I grab my bag as I run out the door and into my car.

I call James on the way to work but he doesn't answer "please be at the club."

I pull up outside after a few minutes and see Kyle outside the club "hey Belle."

I smile softly and wave "hey Kyle."

I head inside and see Amy behind the bar alone "where is everyone else?"

She smiles softly and shrugs "they left after Alisha left?" I shake my head and scoff "what?" She fixes the glasses and smiles softly "I'm sorry."

I shake my head and smile at her "so who left?" He looks at the back and I see Laycie in VIP setting it up "Chloe is off sick so everyone else other than us three."

I take a deep breath and nod nervously "why don't you get Natalie in?" I shake my head and walk towards the back "she's got the night off."

She smiles softly and shrugs "you want me to see if I can get some help?" I shake my head and smile nervously "I will sort it, thanks Amy."

She nods firmly and continues setting the place up.

I look around and take a deep breath before heading into the back.

I look at my phone and start ringing Natalie but it goes to voicemail "hey N. I know you and Nick are having date night but if you could can you swing by the club? Everyone apart from Chloe who is off sick, Amy and Laycie have left so I'm short staff? Call or text me when you can, bye."

I hang up and place my things in the locker and head back out. I look at Rylands number and take a deep breath "wow!"

I look up and see Amy drop a glass "are you ok?" She smiles softly and nods "I'm good."

I shake my head and decide to text Ryland 'can you come into the club and help out for the night?' I send the message and walk towards Amy "let me help you."

An hour after the club opens the place starts getting busier "are you sure you don't want me to get help in?" I shake my head and look at my phone "give me a minute."

I read the text from Ryland 'I'm busy tonight, sorry.'

I look at Amy and take a deep breath "did someone say they needed help?" I look over and see two David's "what?" I shake my head and laugh nervously "there is two of you?"

One of them hold his hand out "I'm David's brother Alex."

He looks at Jason and smirks "we are free and we won't even need paid? The experience will be enough for him and I just want to help out."

I see a group of girls beside him smirking at them "I think the tips will make up for the nights wage."

I smile and nod agreeing "fine."

They both smirk and walks behind the bar "do yous know how to work behind a bar?"

They smirks and look at the girls "we will soon find out."

They walks towards them smiling "what can we get you lovely ladies?"

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