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I wake up in darkness and feel the headboard still on top me "ouch."

I hear Lucky barking and see him trying to get under the headboard "Lucky?"

I try lift the headboard up but I lost blood and my hands felt weak "get my jacket Lucky!" I hear Lucky bark and run off and he runs back with my jacket. I smile and reach over and grab it "good boy!"

I get my phone and look at the time "6AM?!" I take a deep breath as I click on Natalie's number "please be awake." It goes straight to voicemail "typical."

I see a text from Nick so I decide to click on his name and it rings.

He answers after the 4th ring and sounds half sleep as well "hello?" I take a deep breath and try to lift the headboard again.

"Nick?" I hear him laugh softly "no its his brother. Who is this?" I take a deep breath and nod agreeing "sorry. Did I wake you?" I hear him yawn "no." I smirk and shake my head "I'm stuck under my headboard and I'm losing a lot of blood." I hear footsteps running "I'm on my way!"

He hangs up and I hold my jacket against my head where the blood is coming from "ouch!" I look over towards Lucky and smile as he lays on the floor looking at me through the small gap.

I hear someone knock on the door "Belle?" I look over and smile "I'm in here!"

They try to open the door "its locked!" I roll my eyes and scoff "use the back door!" After a few seconds I hear the back door open "I got you!" I feel the headboard weight lift off and I can finally breath "thank you."

The hot boy smiles at me and nods "your welcome." He holds his hand out and I take it and he lifts me up.

He looks at my head and smiles "let me get you something for that." He looks around and laughs nervously "first aid kit?" I nod agreeing and point towards the bathroom "bathroom cabinet."

He nods and runs into the bathroom.

I walk towards the sofa and sit down "here we are." I smile and look at him as he walks towards me with nothing but shorts and trainers on "wow!"

He stops and looks at me "is that sore?" I shake my head and smile "no its ok."

He nods and places a cold cloth on my head "you should really stay awake for 4 hours." I nod agreeing and smile "I will."

He stands up and takes my phone from the table "I will stick my number in here in case you need me." I smile and nod agreeing "ok."

He smirks and hands me my phone back "and remember stay away!"

He walks towards the front door but stops when he spots the empty bottle wine "how many of these have you had?" I shrug and hold up another empty bottle "two why?" he scoffs and shakes his head closing the door "I will stay with you for the night in case you fall asleep."

I scoff and shake my head standing up "that's ok, you really don't need to?" He nods and walks towards me "I know but I want to make sure you are ok."

He looks at my headboard and smiles "I will build your bed."

He walks towards the bedroom and grabs the headboard "what?" I look over and see him smiling "I got this." I shrug and lean back on the sofa cuddling into Lucky "ok?"

I turn the TV on and eat another slice of cold pizza. I look over and smile "pizza?" He pops his head and up and smirks "how long has it been laying there?" I shrug as I take a bite "too long."

I spit it out onto my hand and stick it back into the pizza box "this should be banned." He nods and smiles "If you are hungry I will make you something?" I shake my head and stand up grabbing the pizza box "I'm ok." I walk towards the door and open it.

I walk towards the bin and stick the pizza box in it as I walk back towards the door again I see the black car again parked across the street.

I raise my eyebrow and walk towards it "hey!" It drives off as I get close enough. I take a deep breath and look back towards my front door.

I get back inside and close the door behind me locking it "are you ok?" I turn around and nod agreeing "I'm ok." He smirks and nods "good."

He nods towards my bedroom and smiles "I've done your bed?" I smile and walk towards it "already" He nods and opens the door "wow!"

I smile at the 6ft bed "I love it!" I smile at him and nod agreeing "you done good." He shrugs and sticks the bedding on it "you want me to help with the rest?" He looks towards my living room and I shake my head "they are not heavy so I should be ok."

He nods and walks towards the sofa and sits down "you want a drink?" He nods firmly and smiles "a water."

I nod agreeing and hand him a bottle of water from the fridge and sit down "what you watching?" I shrug and lean back "not sure." He looks at the TV and smiles "looks good."

For the next few hours we watch movies and he looks at his watch when he realises the sun is rising "it has been over 4 hours."

I smile and nod agreeing "oh yeah." He stands up and yawns "I should get home."

I shake my head and look at the time "why don't you sleep here? I don't want you driving when you are tired." He nods and smiles "are you sure?" I nod agreeing and grab him a blanket "you made my bed and saved me, it's the least I can do." He nods and takes his shoes off "ok."

I smile and wave at him as I walk towards the bedroom "night." He smiles and nods "goodnight."

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