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When I wake up again and realise I'm in bed "Natalie?"

I stand up and look around "I'm in here!"

I walk towards the kitchen and see her cooking "you ok?" I nod agreeing and rub my neck "how did I get home?"

She smiles and looks at my bag "your friend from the club brought us back and dropped your car off this morning."

I walk towards my bag and look at my phone to see I'm in a group chat with Ryan and Nick "what one?"

She shrugs as she serves the food "the hot one."

I smile as I read the text 'hope you wake up ok, text us when you are awake?' I smile and sit on the sofa "here you go."

I text back and smile 'I'm ok, sore head but I'm sure some food will sort that out. Thank you.'

I take the plate from Natalie as I send the text and smile at her "thank you."

She sits beside me and shakes her head "what happened?" I shrug and sip on my water "he was wearing the same shirt as Ryan so I smiled at it and he thought I liked him I guess?"

She smiles softly and looks towards her room "if you're not up for paint shopping I can go alone?" I shake my head and eat my last pancake "don't be silly!"

I smirk and stand up "I'm excited."

I take her plate and walk into the kitchen with them "we can go get Meow after shopping?"

She walks in and nods "give me 10 mins to get cleaned up and dressed?" She nods and I smile "great."

I walk into the room and start getting dressed. 

I walk in and smile at Lucky "I will feed you now boy." Natalie walks out the room getting her jacket on "I already done it." She grabs her car keys and smiles "and I walked him."

I raise my eyebrows and scoff "and there I thought you was a cat person?" She rolls her eyes and smiles "I am." She strokes Lucky's head and shrugs "I just like him."

He wags his tail and licks her hand "so don't eat my cat and make me hate you?" Lucky barks and Natalie nods "good boy!"

I grab my jacket and keys "ready?" She nods and opens the door "as I ever will be." I follow her out the door and wave to Lucky as I close the door behind us.

After spending the next few hours shopping for paint and furniture for Natalie's new bedroom she takes a deep breath and nods towards the carpark "let's get this over with."

I smile and wrap my arm around hers "I'm right here for you." She smiles at me and walks towards the carpark "let's go."

I follow her towards the car and we stick the stuff in the boot of the car "will he be in?" Natalie shrugs and gets her phone "not sure."

She clicks on her maps and shakes her head "he is here apparently?" She looks around and spots his motorbike parked up "shit!"

She quickly drives off looking around for him.

As we leave the carpark she sighs in relief "do you think he followed you there?" She shrugs and smiles "I'm not sure."

She looks back and takes a deep breath "he probably thought you was just staying at my house last night and that's why you was there?"

She shrugs and keeps driving "you got a new door and CCTV right?" I nod agreeing and smile "both bulletproof." I laugh nervously and she nods "good."

I raise my eyebrow and look back towards the mall "what?!" I shake my head and scoff "nahh. There is NO way he would come to my house with a gun."

She shrugs and looks at me nervously "I'm sure you are right."

I sit back on the seat and take a deep breath "I hope I am."

We get outside his place and she nods "stay here!" I nod agreeing and look out the windows as she runs towards the door and unlocks it.

I watch the door and see it open after a few minutes "quickly!"

She giggles as she runs towards the car with the pet carrier in one hand and a black bag in her other.

She sticks the pet carrier on me knee and the black bag in the back seats "let's get out of here!" She quickly drives off and towards the house.

I smile and look in the pet carrier "hey Meow." I smile as It looks at me and meows "let's get yous home."

I smile at Natalie and she nods and smirks at me "thank you for this." I shrug and smile "always."

We get back home and I lift the cat out the car and grab the paint from the boot "we should maybe get this stuff in then introduce Meow and Lucky?" She nods and smiles "good idea."

I stick the pet carrier in the back seat and grab some bags from the boot "ready?" I nod agreeing and smile "are you ready?" I nod towards her keys and smirk "you have a key now after all?" She nods and walks towards the door and opens it "home sweet home."

We stick everything inside her room and I nod agreeing "you want to get the cat?" She nods and I smile "I will let Lucky in."

She runs towards the car and grabs Meow "let's go baby."

She walks inside and I open the back door letting Lucky in "gentle boy."

He sniffs and walks towards the opened pet carrier wagging his tail.

I watch Lucky close and nervously as he looks inside the pet carrier still wagging his tail and bends over to play "that went well?"

She nods and looks inside the carrier "let's see how she reacts."

Lucky steps back and Meow walks out and straight towards Lucky.

She rubs herself over him and I smile "perfect!"

I smirk at Natalie and she sighs in relief "good girl!"

She strokes Meows head and she jumps on the sofa and falls asleep "and she is sleeping."

Natalie rolls her eyes and walks towards her bedroom "I should get started on this before my stuff comes tomorrow."

I smile and stand-up "I will come help you in a minute but first, coffee?" She nods and smiles "would be perfect."

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