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I hear a car pull up so I head inside and see Ryland open the door "who is that?" Natalie stands up off the sofa and walks toward the fridge "the doctor."

She grabs a bottle of water and nods firmly "I'm going to bed but wake me when Nick wakes up?" I smile softly and nods agreeing "I will, goodnight."

I wave at her as she walks up the stairs. "Ok let's have a look."

A man with a large brief case walks in and towards Nick. I look at Ryland as he walks in looking worried "I will give yous a minute."

He smiles softly and nods agreeing as I walk back outside.

I close the back door behind me and start pacing the yard "what is he dies because me?! Ryland will NEVER forgive me!"

I sit down on the bench and Lucky walks towards me licking my hand "thanks boy."

I stroke his head and take a deep breath "I'm sure he will wake up soon, right?"

I look towards the floor and shake my head "I hope."

I lay on the garden sofa for the next 20 minutes but jump up when I hear people shouting. I run inside and see Roman "Bell?!"

I see Ryland holding a gun at him "wow!"

I walk towards him and shake my head "Ryland this is my Uncle Roman."

He puts the gun away and Roman rolls his eyes and scoffs "see?! I appreciate you looking out for my niece though."

Roman hugs me and smile "are you ok?" I nod agreeing and smile "I'm fine."

I look towards Nick still unconscious with the doctor examining him "Nick and Natalie got hurt badly though."

He looks around and shakes his head "where is Natalie?" I nod up and smile "sleeping."

He hands me an envelope "I brought these round for you? It's from Luca." I take them and smile "thank you."

He walks back towards the door and waves "hope he is ok."

He looks at Ryland and smirks "give your grandad my love?" He winks at him before running back towards his car.

I close the front door and walk into the kitchen opening the envelope "what is it?" I look at Ryland and shrug "I think it's a new business idea for the club."

I read through it and smile "he wants to turn it into a gym?"

He looks at the paper and nods firmly "what do you want to do with it?" I shrug and smile "nothing? I still have the R&B club and the other empty property so I will be so busy doing them that Luca helping me with this will be such a good help."

He smirks and grabs my waist "I just hope you know that I am here if you need any help?" I laugh sarcastically and shake my head "can't imagine you working behind the bar."

He smirks and nods "really?" He grabs a glass and shrugs "what can I get you?" I shake my head and laugh softly "you are such a nerd."

I see a shadow over me "I agree."

I look over and see Nick "your awake?!" I hug him and he laughs nervously holding his side "still sore?"

I laugh nervously and back away "sorry."

He smiles softly and shrugs "I'm just glad you are ok."

I smile and nod agreeing "I'm glad you are ok!"

He looks around and shrugs "where's Natalie?" I nod towards the stairs and smile "sleeping."

He takes a deep breath and walks towards the fridge grabbing a bottle of water "I should maybe let her sleep for a few hours."

He walks towards the sofa and sits down "so what happened?"

I laugh nervously and sit across from him "where to even start."

As I tell Nick and Ryland about my latest few days Ryland laughs nervously "and too think I nearly shot your uncle after him saving you."

I smirk and nod nervously "I'm sure he is just glad that I'm safe."

I look at Nick and shrug "so how did you get kidnapped?" He laughs nervously and looks towards the floor "I saw Natalie leave the house on her way to get you I imagine and I got out the car and that is when Lewis and his merry men turned up and took me."

He takes a deep breath and shakes his head "I'm just glad it was me."

He laughs nervously and shrugs "if it was Natalie then I would never forgive myself for leaving her."

I look towards the stairs and see Natalie walking down "my ears are ringing?"

She rubs her eyes and looks at Nick "baby?!" She runs towards him and jumps onto his lap "ouch!"

She laughs nervously and quickly gets off "sorry."

He shakes his head and holds her hand as she sits beside him "are you ok?"

He nods agreeing and kisses her hand "I am now."

She blushes and looks at him "good."

He looks at her leg and smiles softly "are you ok?" She nods firmly and smiles "I'm fine, just a scratch."

He kisses her cheek and smirks "did you sleep ok?" She shakes her head and yawns "I was just tossing and turning."

He stands up and smiles "how about we go bed together?" She smirks and stands up "I would love that."

They both run upstairs and I laugh nervously "thank god my bedroom is the other side of hers."

Ryland grabs me close to him and kisses my forehead "I should go."

I shake my head and look at him "what? Are you not going to stay with me?"

He shrugs and laughs nervously "do you want me to stay?" I kiss him and smile "of course."

He grabs the back of my head and pulls me towards him. As we kiss all my worries and demons disappear. I felt safe instantly and I knew that in the moment with him that I was so madly and deeply in love with him.

As I keep kissing him I place my hand on his thigh and he places me onto his lap "do you want me to stop?" I smirk and shake my head "no."

He picks me up and carries me into the bedroom.

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