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We finish doing the other boxes and I wave at Amy standing at the door "see you tonight!" She waves and smiles "ok!"

I get into the van and smile "thank you for doing this." Nick shrugs and smiles "my pleasure."

He drives off and hands me an envelope as we pull up outside my house "what is this?" He shrugs and smiles "just open it."

I open it and see a handful of money "what is this for?" He looks towards my CCTV camera "you should buy a decent one." I roll my eyes and place the money in the glove box "it works perfectly fine but if it didn't then I can buy my own." I get out the van before he can respond "bye Nick!" I wave at him before running inside and closing the door behind me.

"Hey boy!" Lucky runs towards me "what happened?" I see blood running down his face "let's get this cleaned up."

I run towards the bathroom and wet a cloth "Lucky!" He runs in still dripping blood behind him "ouch that looks sore." I smile at him and shake my head "is that sore?" I touch it and he wines in pain "I will call the vet."

I grab my phone and quickly call the vets going through the details as I still sit on the side of the bath "what did he cut himself with?" I stand up and look around "I'm not sure."

I walk into my bedroom and see the window smashed "broken glass." I walk towards it and realise it was broken from the inside "I'm not sure."

I look at him and nod agreeing "ok well bring him in straight away." I nod agreeing and hang up "let's go!" I grab his lead and my jacket and run out the door.

I see Nick's van still sitting on the street "hey!" I jump and look over "where are you going?" He notices the blood and runs out his van "what happened?" trying to get my words out I shake my head "I.." I look at Lucky and shrug "I don't know."

He nods and takes my car keys "ok well get in and I will drive." I nod agreeing and get into the car with Lucky without hesitation.

"Did someone try smash?" I nod agreeing and take a deep breath "my bedroom window?" He looks at me shocked but not surprised "what?" I nod agreeing and press the cloth onto his head where it is bleeding.

"I think it was from the inside though so he probably just saw a cat?" He looks at Lucky and shrugs "maybe." He grabs his phone and dials someone's number "but just to be on the safe side I will get someone to go by and have a look around." I nod agreeing and cuddle into Lucky "you are going to be ok."

We get outside the vets and I quickly head inside "here to see vet Duncan?" I see Vet Duncan walk out smiling "in here Belle." I nod agreeing and walk him and he takes Lucky's lead "I will take the best care of him." I nod agreeing and wave him goodbye as he goes into the back with Vet Duncan.

I sit down and my leg shakes "so what happened?" I shake my head and look towards the floor "I don't know. I walked in and he ran over towards me and I realised his head was bleeding so I called the vets first and cleaned him up a bit then looked around and that is when I realised the bedroom window was smashed."

Nick nods firmly and rubs my arm "from the inside?" I nod agreeing and look at him "why did you ask me to get better CCTV?" Nick takes a deep breath and nods but before he could explain his phone rings "let me just get this?" I nod agreeing and he walks outside and answers the phone.

I sit there with 101 questions going through my head "Belle?" I look up and see Vet Duncan walking towards me "yeah?" I quickly stand up and walk towards him.

"It is only a small cut so he is ok to go home after we get it cleaned and stitched up." I nod agreeing and take a deep breath "thank you!" I hug him and laugh nervously "sorry."

He smirks and shakes his head "don't be." He rubs my arm and smiles "I will get him stitched now and let yous go home." I nod agreeing and smile "thank you."

He walks away and I sit back down and look at my phone for a few seconds looking at my CCTV app "screw it!" I open it and watch it from the second I left.

After 20 minutes I see the black car pull back up and two men get out and look around my house before heading around the back gate "what?" I shake my head and continue to watch.

A few minutes in they both run out the back gate and drive down the street.

I look at my back camera and watch it from the same time. I see the men walking around and I see Lucky jumping up the window and barking before breaking the window with his head making the men jump and run away.

I shake my head and pause the video on the men "who are they?" The vet entrance door opens and Nick walks back in "everything ok?" I stick my phone back in my pocket "of course." He nods and sits down smiling "good."

He looks towards the door and smiles "there he is!" I look over and see Lucky wagging his tail "hi baby!" I run towards him and hug him "thank you."

I smile at Vet Duncan and he nods "anytime." He strokes Lucky's head and smiles "but hopefully never again?" Lucky barks and I smile and nod agreeing.

I walk towards the reception and smile "how much do I owe?" The reception looks at her computer "it says nothing? Just to take these." I raise my eyebrows and smirk "what?" She nods and smiles handing me a bag "it says that you just have too text him when you are free."

I scoff and shake my head "how much are stitches usually?" She looks at the price list and nods "$550." I hand her my card and nod agreeing "charge $600 on this." She nods nervously and hands me a receipt "thank you?" I nod agreeing and head out the door and towards the car.

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