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After my shower I get dressed and head into Natalie's room "are you ready?" She nods and grabs her bag "ready."

I look at the envelope and show her it "what one do you want to see first?" She looks through them and shrugs "they all look amazing so just start from the top?" I smile and nod firmly "ok."

I stick them back into the envelope and we head towards my car. "Spill." I look at Natalie and she sits back and blushes "we talked for hours, he brought me breakfast in bed and we just clicked really."

I shrug and look at her "so what about that whole mafia thing?" She takes a deep breath and smiles "I did mention that and I get that it's what he is used too because his family. He also reassured me that he is completely different from Todd and he only hurts people that owe him money or fuck him over which I understand I guess?" I shrug my shoulders and sigh "as long as you know what you are doing?" She nods firmly and smiles "I will be careful this time."

We pull up outside the first house and I double check the satnav "are you sure this is right?"

I look back at the large house behind the large gates and nod agreeing "this definitely is the address?" She grins and gets out the car "let's go then."

I grab the box of keys and follow her outside. She looks at the gate and shakes her head "do you have a code?" I look at the paper and nod "4080?"

She nods and sticks it in "is that it?"

The gates open after a few seconds and I shrug "I guess so."

We walk inside and I open the front door with the key.

As we walk inside I am speechless "can we afford this place?" I look at the paper and turn it over "prices are at the back."

She walks towards me and looks at the price "is that all? I thought a place like this would be at least 4 times that price?"

I shake my head and laugh nervously "surely that isn't correct?" I look at the other house prices and laugh nervously "they are all the same price?"

I look at her and she shrugs "maybe there is something wrong with it?" I shake my head and stick the papers back into the envelope "let's find out."

We walk around in shock and disbelief "so there is nothing wrong with it?" I shake my head and look at the large back garden with a built-in pool already in place.

"I should maybe call the number and double check?" She nods and smiles "I am going to choose my bedroom while you do that."

She winks and walks towards the stairs "there is 5 so good luck!"

I ring the number on the paper and after a few rings a woman answer.

After I explain that I think there may be a typo on all the prices she assures me that is the correct price "the previous owner passed away and her daughter lowered the price for a quick sell."

I look around and smile "and is that for all the properties."

I walk towards the large kitchen and smile "yes." I take a deep breath and smile "ok, thank you."

I hang up and head upstairs to join Natalie.

"Well?" I smile and enter the large ensued bedroom.

"The previous owner is the same for all the properties and she passed away so her daughter lowered the price and wanted a quick sale." She shrugs and smiles "well if we choose this house then I want this room."

I smirk and nod "if we choose this house I want the room with the built-in closet!" I run towards it and she runs after me "wait, what?!"

I run into the room at the end of the hallway and open the closet door "wow!"

I look inside the closet that is probably the size of my old room "how did I not see this?" I shrug and enter it "you was busy texting Nick when I said about it."

She rolls her eyes and scoffs "it is nice." I smile and nod firmly "well this will be mine."

I close the closet door behind me and nod towards the bedroom room "next house?" She nods agreeing and walks out.

"I don't see how any house will be better than this." She looks at the other 3 spare bedrooms "we could make one a cinema one, one a guest room and the smaller bedroom for whatever."

I smile and nod firmly "could turn it into a hair and makeup room?" She grins and nods agreeing "that sounds perfect."

I lock the door behind me and we get into the car "where next?" I stick the next house into the satnav and we drive off.

As I look at the paper I shake my head "the next house is 6 bedroom."

She raises her eyebrow and looks at it "what?" I shrug and grab my phone "what would we even do with all they rooms?" I shrug as I text Ryland about the first house.

"I don't know but if it's the same price as the first then it might be worth taking it and having 2 guest bedrooms or even a pet playroom?" She laughs sarcastically and shakes her head "Meow playing? We will see what it's like when we get inside."

She pulls up outside an even bigger house with bigger gates "this is it."

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