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I spend the next hour going through my closet and sorting everything out.

"Bell?" I look at my door and see Natalie "in here!"

Natalie walks in and looks around at all my clothes on the floor in different piles "what are you doing?"

I stand up and look at them "I own the R&B club."

She raises her eyebrow and laughs nervously "what?" I nod and look at the clothes "mine and Ryland's parents owned it and it was legally ours when we turned 21."

I look at her and shrug "we just didn't know it."

I start putting the piles in the correct place "I also own that club across the street from it."

She smirks and starts helping me hang the clothes up "and you just found out about this?" I nod firmly and smile "my uncle had some letters for me and Roman that she kept in case anything happened to her."

She smiles softly and shrugs "so what happens to Roman's?" I shrug and take a deep breath "I'm not sure."

She smiles softly and shakes her head "I just hope I don't have to start calling your boss?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "I don't plan on it nor do I plan on quitting as a bartender."

I look at my smart clothes and smile "I just need to see what happens next I guess."

I walk out the closet and sit on the bed grabbing my laptop "I told my uncle Luca that the other club is his if he wants to but we won't be keeping it as a club."

Natalie walks towards me and laughs sarcastically "that would be weird, you being your own competition." I nod agreeing and smirk "exactly."

I show her the building plan and smile "he is coming over next week and we will discuss some ideas for it I guess."

Natalie smirks and shrugs "so who has been running them since your parents died?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "Ryland's grandfather apparently."

I look at my laptop and smirk as I open my emails "and the club is officially in my name." I show her the email from my family lawyer "still not calling your boss."

She stands up and smirks "I'm here if you need any help though?" I nod agreeing and smile "I know."

She blows me a kiss and walks towards the door "I should get dressed for work."

She walks out the door closing it behind her.

That night we decide to get a taxi to work so we can both celebrate my good news.

We get to the club and Alisha acts normal around us "don't think she knows yet?" I shake my head and smile "I don't want her to know. I would rather her act normal towards me and I can make any changes I need to anonymous."

Natalie nods agreeing and we walk into the back room "so you aren't going to tell anyone?" I shake my head and stick my jacket in my locker "I like the way things are and if I do then it might be different?"

She shrugs and closes her locker before walking towards her door "I guess."

I close my locker and take a deep breath fixing my hair "let's do this."

Alisha ask's me to work VIP so I agree and serve a party going on that was not Ryland's for once.

As the night goes on one of the customers starting following me holding onto a bottle of whiskey and telling me about about his girlfriend.

"I mean she doesn't even appreciate me?!" I grab some empty bottles and place them onto a tray and head towards the door "but I bet you would!"

He slaps my bum and I turn around and smirk "touch me again and you will be wearing that!" I turn around and place the empty bottles in the bin.

I take a deep breath and look back towards VIP and see the same boy hitting on another girl "pig."

Alisha walks towards me shaking her head confused "are you the owner of R&B?"

I look over at Natalie and shake "how do you know?" She points towards the back door and shakes her head "because the man who I thought was the owner just stormed in and told me that I am fired and that the place is going to be turned into a gym?"

I laugh nervously and shake my head "what?!"

I walk towards the back door and see an old man sitting on the chair drinking a bottle of whiskey "so this is the SLUT that stole my club?!"

I shake my head and look him "this club was left for me by my parents?" He rolls his eyes and flings the bottle of whiskey at Alisha "this isn't over!"

He pushes past me and walks out the door "and stay away from my grandson's or I will put a bullet in your head!" He winks at me before leaving.

He leaves and I grab the first aid kit "I got you!"

I grab the glass out Alisha's cheek "who is he?" Aisha sits down and I clean her face "Marc Storms."

I look at the door in shock "Storms? As in Ryland's grandad?" She nods agreeing as I stitch her face "so you are the owner?" I nod agreeing and smile "and no, the club isn't changing into a gym."

I stick a bandage over her cut and smile softly "It is staying the way it is, including me working as a bartender."

She shakes her head and stands up "I'm not sure I can stay around though?" I shake my head and look towards the door "because of him? I will make sure he won't get back inside."

She shakes her head and takes a deep breath "no, well yes because him but because he pays for my house because I sleep with him on the side?"

I laugh nervously and sit down "why don't you just get your own place?" She shakes her head and smiles "I screwed a lot of people over so it was his protection too."

I take a deep breath and nod firmly "let me speak to Ryland? I would love you to still be the manager and I don't think you can do that from another city?" She smiles and hugs me "thank you."

I nod agreeing and hug her "anytime."

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