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Three days later I wake up in pain.

My whole body was aching and numb "are you awake?" I roll over and place the pillow over my head "no!"

Roman walks in and smirks "are you sick?" I look at him and laugh sarcastically "sick? SICK?!"

I shake my head and smirk "it's been a week since I saw Ryland. I have not spoken to him, Natalie or Nick in a full week! They could be dead for all I know."

He smirks and opens the door wide "I have something downstairs that will cheer you up?" I nod agreeing and smile "let me shower first? My body is aching from the fighting with you and I smell."

He nods agreeing and smile "ok."

He closes the door behind him and walks downstairs.

I walk out the bathroom and get changed "what has he done with my clothes!"

I stick my leggings and jumper on that was placed neatly on my chair.

I roll my eyes and walk downstairs sticking my wet hair up "so what is this surprise then?"

I look around and shake my head "and where are my clothes?" I raise my eyebrow at the empty house "Roman?"

I see him outside the back yard grabbing some tools from the shed "what is he doing now?" I walk towards him but jump when I feel someone cover my eyes from behind "no!"

I quickly defence myself and I have them over my shoulder and on the floor in front of me "surprise?"

I see Ryland on the floor smirking. I shake my head and help him up "what are you doing here? I could have seriously hurt you?"

He kisses me and shrugs "I'm here to take you home."

I laugh sarcastically and shake my head "what?"

He nods agreeing and points towards my suitcase "it is over, you are safe."

I smirk at him and shake my head "Lewis is dead?" He laughs nervously and shakes his head "not exactly."

He nods towards the back door and smirks "his whole connection is down."

I walk towards the shed and see Roman smiling standing outside it "and he is all yours."

I look inside the shed and see Lewis tied up to a chair "so once he goes that is it?"

Ryland nods and kisses my head "no one else wants to work with him because they have realised that they won't win."

He nods towards Lewis and smirks "Melissa volunteered to seduce him a week ago and he fell for it." Roman smirks at him and shrugs "using his own stunt on him? Classic."

I smirk and take a screwdriver from the toolbox "I'm going to love this."

I walk into the shed and wave at Ryland and Roman as I close the door on them.

With bloody running down Lewis's face I grab a chair and sit in front of him "tell me!"

He spits the blood from his mouth and smirks "your dad was meant to be my business partner and we was going to open a vet in every state, maybe more than one."

He shrugs and looks towards the door "but he got a better offer and he went into business with his parents so I took care of the problem?"

He grins at me and shrugs "or half the problem at least." I aim the gun at him and shake my head "you will never ever hurt anyone else!"

I stand up and take a deep breath "goodbye Lewis."

A loud bang goes off making me jump "what was that?!" He smirks at me and looks towards the door "just in time."

He flings a phone on the floor "your brother might have escaped and hide from me the last 2 years but he isn't that clever? The idiot didn't even check me properly."

I stick the tape back over his mouth and walk towards the shed window and look out. I see a car pull up "who did you call for?"

He leans back and shrugs. I shake my head and look towards the house and see Ryland nodding towards me and telling me to stay there.

I nod agreeing and he puts his phone towards his hear. I take a deep breath and lock the shed door.

After a few minutes Lewis tries talking but I can't make out what he is saying "what?"

I scoff and shake my head "sorry can't understand muffled."

I smirk and stand up "it's too quiet out there."

I look out the window and see a man walking towards the shed "shit!"

I stand behind the door with the gun close to my chest waiting.

I take a deep breath as I see the door handle move "boss?" I see a man walk in and put his gun down as he walks towards Lewis.

I smile and hit him across the head knocking him out "one down."

I look out the window and see the men walk towards the other side of the house "2 to go."

I turn around and see a women who looks exactly like Lewis "three actually."

She stabs me in the stomach with a knife but I don't feel it at first. I panic for the first few seconds and before I know it, my gun goes off.

I fall to the floor with blood coming out my stomach.

I look over at the women as she falls to the floor holding her throat as blood pours out it.

I see Lewis's face go white and he tries to get out the chair. I smirk at him and nod "sister? It hurts them dying isn't it?"

I feel myself drift off into blackness as my stomach hurts for a few seconds before everything goes black and I go unconscious.

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