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Ryland takes me inside and nods towards Natalie "can you get me some clean clothes?" She nods nervous and runs upstairs "let's get these off you."

I look at the back door and shake my head "stop!"

I look at the man lying on the grass "he said that Lewis stuck the bug on Lucky's collar because I was getting close to the enemy? As in you?"

I look at Ryland and shrug "is that who he meant?" Ryland shakes his head and looks into my eyes "we can talk about this later. Let's just get you cleaned up first?"

I shake my head and stand up "no! I want to know now?! Who are you really?" Ryland nods at Nick and he takes Natalie's hand and smiles softly "let's go outside."

Natalie looks at me and I smile softly and nod agreeing.

Ryland walks towards the sofa and sits down "my parents knew your parents."

I laugh nervously and shake my head "what? How?"

He goes into his wallet and takes out a picture "my mum knew your mum from when they was kids but they lost touch for years. My mum and dad met when they was young, my mum moved in with her friend across the house from her and they fell deeply in love but my dad had to leave a year later and come back home to take over the family business. My mum was head over heels for him that she decided to leave and she followed him back home and they fell more in love. They kept their romance a secret because my grandad always believed that it was just a phase for him and was young love."

She shrugs and smirks "plus he thought my mother was only after his money but then my mum got pregnant a few months later and she had Thomas. After that everything changed."

He hands me the teared photo and I shake my head "this is your parents?" He nods and smiles "yeah, why?" I run into my purse and take out the teared photo of my parents and they fit perfectly beside each other.

I shake my head in disbelief and smirk "my parents met when they was younger but they were both torn apart until they had me. They always used to talk about my mums best friend and old house mate Abbie who she done everything with until she moved away." I smile at the photo and shrug "I'm guessing she was talking about your parents."

Ryland grins and places the photos on the table "my parents told me that our house got attacked when I was 4 and Nick was only 1. We moved here and stayed with my parents family friends for a few months before we got everything sorted and eventually moved into the place we are in now."

I look at him and smile "It think your parents moved in with my parents? I remember when I was 3 I would play outside my back yard in the tree house with my parents friends son and he used to always pull my hair and call me."

He looks at me and smirks as we say at the same time "Izzy."

I laugh nervously and shake my head "how did you know?" He shrugs and looks at the photos "I remember always calling the girl who lived in the house Izzy because she hated that name." I roll my eyes and scoff "I do!"

He shrugs and leans back "I made up for it though?" I smirk and lean back "you did. I remember you would always go into old Mr Henderson's back yard and pick me his prize-winning roses as he called them."

We both laugh and I look into his eyes "so what happened?" Ryland looks at my picture and shrugs "notbing? They grew apart my mother said until the night my parents house got attacked, after that they were joined at the hip."

I smile and look at the photo "the night my parents died they said they was meeting old friends? Do you think it was your parents?"

He looks into space and stands up "when did your parents die?" She raises her eyebrow and stands up "26th December."

Rylands eye go wide and he shakes his head in disbelief as they both answer at the same time "2014?"

They both sit down shocked and confused "car accident?" Ryland nods and looks at Nick out the back yard "yeah, yours?" I nod agreeing and scoff "that is to weird, right?"

He stands up and smiles softly at me "I need to make a phone call." I nod agreeing and stand up "ok?" He walks towards the back door and opens it.

"Natalie can you give us a few minutes?" Natalie nods and smile softly before walking inside and towards me.

I walk towards the kitchen and grab a beer "was it that bad?" I look at her and laugh nervously "it was that confusing."

She grabs a beer and smiles "I should get ready for work." I look at the clock and raise my eyebrow "what time you due in?" She smiles and walks towards the stairs "11-5. I told Alisha I would stay back an hour and clear out the old stock." I smile and shrug "want me to come in and help?" She shakes her head and waves "you need to stay here and get some rest."

She walks upstairs and I look out the back yard and take a deep breath "no, what I need is answers."

I run upstairs and quickly wash myself before getting changed "be good!" I stroke Lucky's head as I grab my laptop and bag and head out the door.

I quickly get into my car and drive towards the gate "Belle?!" I look over and see Natalie run out the door and towards me but I drive out the gate and down the street.

As I drive downtown I look around worried "I don't miss this place."

I laugh nervously as I lock my doors and keep driving. I pull up too an old abandoned building with iron bars around the window "home sweet home."

I open the door and head towards the door.

Natalie runs inside and opens the back door "she's gone!"

Nick looks at Ryland and shakes his head "what?" Natalie shrugs her shoulders as she runs inside "she's gone!"

Ryland and Nick run inside after her and Lucky runs downstairs "she wouldn't leave Lucky? Would she?" Ryland looks at Natalie and she shrugs "I don't know. I didn't think she would kill someone but yet the body in the back yard tells me different?" Ryland gets his phone out and rings me "she won't answer."

They hear my phone ring from the table in the living room "or she just doesn't have it with her."

Ryland hangs up and runs towards the door "where are you going?!" Nick runs after Ryland as he runs towards the car "to find her!"

Nick nods agreeing and gets into the passenger side "I'm coming with you." Natalie runs over and shrugs "what am I meant to do?" Ryland smirks and looks at Lucky "stay here and call us when if she turns up!"
Natalie nods nervously and waves as they drive away.

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