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I park up and run inside the house as I hear music playing "Nick?" Nick pops his head out the bedroom smiling "in here!"

I walk towards him and look around "wow!" I shake my head and smile at the room that is now done "how long was I gone for?" He smirks and shakes his head "I had help."

I raise my eyebrow and scoffs "what?" I hear someone flush the toilet "who?" I turn around and see the hot boy "my brother."

He smirks at me and looks around "hope you don't mind?" I shake my head and smile "of course not." I look at Nick and shrug "more the better."

His brother hands me a paint brush and smiles "well unfortunately I need to steal Nick from you." I nod agreeing and smile "ok?" Nick rolls his eyes and walks towards me.

"Well you have my number if you need help with this though?" I nod agreeing and look around "I should be ok." He nods and hugs me "bye." I wave and smile "bye."

They walk out the door closing it behind them and I look around at the unopened furniture "so glad I'm off tonight and can get this done tonight." I pick up the paint brush and continue painting.

The next few hours I finish painting everywhere and move onto unpacking that I lose track of time.

I hear Lucky barking from my bedroom "I know!" I walk towards him and smile "walkies?"

He looks at the window still barking "what is it boy?" I see a flashlight shine into the window "shit."

I run towards the TV remote and turn it onto the CCTV. I see a woman outside the street looking into my neighbours back yard "what is she doing?"

I shake my head and walk towards the back opening it. "Hey,  are you ok?" She jumps and looks over "I've lost my mouse and I'm sure it ran into this back yard." I smile and nod agreeing "I will turn on my back lights for you."

I walk towards my back-door lights and turn them on "is that any better?"  She smirks and waves "much, thank you!" I nod agreeing and close the door behind me.

"Lucky?" Lucky runs towards me wagging his tail "she is looking for her mouse." He tilts his head and I nod agreeing "I know." I grab his lead and smile looking around "let's go for a walk, I can use with a small break."

I walk towards my car and he gets excited "let's go to the beach."

I open the car and he jumps in "since we haven't been there in forever."

I get into the drive side and we drive towards the beach.

As it begins to sunset I smile and open the car door letting him out "looks like we came at the best time too."

He runs towards the water and splashes "good job I have towels in the boot."

He rolls around the sand before running along the beach "hey, wait for me!" I grab my jacket before running after him.

We run along the beach and he spots something in the water "Lucky no!"

He runs after it and I try stop him "it could be a shark!" I grab his collar and stroke his head as he barks at it "shhh!"

I smile and look at the water and see 4 crabs walk out "eww!" They dig themselves in the sand and I shake my head and stand up "let's go boy."

I look at the sky as it begins to get dark "let's go home and set up your new toys?" He barks and we walk back towards my car.

When I get home I grab Lucky's toy box and fill it with his new toys "there you go boy."

I smile at him and place the box beside his bed "now you can maybe stop chewing my socks?" He sniffs his toys and wags his tail "good boy."

I walk into my room and look around "shit!" I shake my head as I look at the space my bed used to be "I forgot to build my bed."

I take a deep breath and grab clean pj's "guess sofa will do for tonight. I look at Lucky and smile "I'm going for a nice long bubble bath then we can lay on the new sofa and watch a film while eating pizza?" He barks and grabs one of his toys before laying down. I smile at him and nod agreeing "good boy."

I go into the bathroom and run the bath. I grab my laptop and bed cover and place them on my new large sofa before heading into the bathroom. Placing my pjs on the toilet seat I stop the bath and get into it.

I come out the bathroom and walk towards the front door "let's hope they weirdos don't comes back tonight."

I smile as I lock the door and turn the lights off "now let's order pizza."

I walk into the kitchen and pick up a bottle of wine and wine glass before heading back into the living room.

I order a large chicken and onion pizza online on my laptop before placing it on the table and lay back on the sofa. I look over at Lucky and smile "coming up?" He runs towards me and lays at my feet on the sofa and goes to sleep.

I play a movie on the TV and sip onto my wine as I watch it.

I eat half the pizza and finish my second bottle of wine before I drift off to sleep but manage to wake myself "let's give you some dinner."

I smile at Lucky and walk towards the kitchen grabbing his bowls. I fill them with food and fresh water and stick them back down "there you go."

I stroke his head and smile "good boy."

I grab another bottle of wine and walk back towards the sofa and sit down.

I look around the living room at my bed and nod agreeing "I can do this?" I stand up and grab my toolbox "I can do this!"

I walk in my bedroom and stick the toolbox on the floor and start bringing the bed in. I look at the 6ft velvet headboard and nod agreeing "I got this."

I pick it up struggling and walk towards the bedroom. As I try tilt it too fit into the bedroom door I trip and lose my balance "oh no!" The headboard falls on my and I hit the floor hard and hit my head on the floor passing out.

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