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He takes a few steps before looking back "Belle?"

I look up at him and smile "yeah?" He walks back towards me and smirks "we never did get to go on that dinner date?" I laugh nervously and run my hand through my hair "no we didn't."

He shrug and hands me a business card "how is this Friday?" I smirk and nod "I will check if I can get it off but Friday sounds good?" He smirks and nods agreeing "perfect, see you then."

He walks away again and I take a deep breath and walk towards Natalie.

She smirks and looks around for him "who is he?" I shrug and grab some cat treats "my vet?"

She takes the treats from me and smiles as she places them in the cart "well he can give me a check-up if he wants." I roll my eyes and shove her softly "let's go."

We drive back to Rylands place and Nick meets us outside with the rest of our stuff and Meow "thank you baby!"

She kisses him and he smiles "anytime."

He walks towards me and laughs nervously "I think I know why Ryland was acting weird." I raise my eyebrow and shake my head "why?" He shows me a bunch of flowers "these came for you?" I look at the card and smile "and he thought what?"

Natalie takes the card and laughs sarcastically "beast?" I nod and smile "I know!"

Nick raises his eyebrow and smiles nervously "what am I missing?" I place the flowers in the car "they are from Jason."

He walks towards me and raise his eyebrow "the old man from the club?" I nod firmly and smile "that's the one."

He looks at the flowers and points at them "so why is he sending you flowers?" I shrug and smile "he might have heard about what happened to my face and send his love? He was best friends with my mum so he is always looking out for me."

Nick looks towards the house and laughs nervously "well Ryland thought you had another boy on the go." I roll my eyes and scoff "of course he did."

I finish packing the rest of the stuff into the car "Ryland thinks the worse about everyone and it's going to cause everyone to be pushed away."

I smile softly at the house and shrug "I don't even want to look at him never mind speak to him so tell him what you want." I hug Nick and smile "bye."

I get into the car and he waves "take care and I will come over once yous are settled?" I nod agreeing and smile "you are always welcome."

We drive back home when I get a call from someone "hello?" We pull up outside the gate and see a car approach us and stops in front of the gate.

I hang up and look at Natalie and shake goes into the glove box and grabs the gun "what the hell do you have that for?!" She shrugs and looks back towards the car "just in case?"  I roll my eyes and shake my head "put it away."

I look back at the car and the women from yesterday gets out the car holding an envelope "I forgot to give you this?" She runs towards the car and I roll down the window "thank you."

She waves and gets back into her car and drives away "what is it?" I look inside and take out a remote and look at the note inside "remote is for the front gate and the alarm system inside the house." I shrug and press the open button and the gates open "that is that then."

She drives inside and I press the close button and watch as the gate closes behind us.

I look at her as she parks up "we will speak about that gun?" She rolls her eyes and gets out the car "later!" She grabs some bags and walks into the house "I need to get dressed for work." I grab some bags and follow her inside.

We start unpacking and she looks at the time "shall I call Alisha and see if I can go in at 8?" I shake my head and smile "I got this."

She nods firmly and stands up "text me when the stuff gets here?" I smile softly and nod agreeing "ok." She runs upstairs and I finish putting the stuff away.

Natalie comes back downstairs half an hour later ready for work and grabs her shoes and jacket "I will text you when I leave and see if you want anything?" I smile and nod agreeing "ok." She blows me a s kiss and walks towards the door.

She stops and turns around "what is the alarm code?" I laugh softly and hand her the note "170311." She nods at it and hands me it back "thanks." She waves and walks out the door "see you tomorrow!" I wave at her as she leaves "have fun!" She closes the door behind her and I continue unpacking.

I stop and look at my phone when it rings "hello?" I stand up and stretch my legs "it's your delivery drivers? We are outside the gate."

I smile and walk towards the gate "ok I will open the gate for yous now." I open the gate for them and walk towards the front door "just drive up."

I watch the two vans as both the vans drive up to the house. A man gets out and smiles "where do you want everything?" I point into the front room "just in there."

He raises his eyebrow and smirks as he opens the back of the van "I don't think it will all fit in there." He looks towards the gate as another 2 vans pull in "oh, wow!"

I laugh nervously and smile "I will show you I guess."

He grabs a clipboard from his glove box and shows me it "we have the bedrooms down? Natalie's room and Belle's room? Everything has been organised so just show us which rooms are what?" I smile softly and nod agreeing "Belle's room which is me is at the back left and Natalie's room is the first right." The delivery man nods at the other 8 men and they smile "let's get to work."

I sit out the back for the next hour and out the way as the delivery men unpack everything.

The man with the clipboard walks out and smiles "we have unpacked everything so you just write down where you want everything." He hands me a tablet with photos of the room "oh, ok?" I look at the top of the screen and see 'Belles bedroom' "ok so this is mine."

I start placing the small furniture emojis into the place I would like them and I do the rest with the rest of the house "done."

I hand him the tablet back and he nods "I will come find you once we are done and you can let me know what you think?" I nod nervously and smile "ok."

I look over at Lucky and Meow as they both lay in the shade beside each other. I take a deep breath and place my sunglasses on "I could get used to this."

I look at the pool and take a deep breath "I really should clean that pool though." I look at the house and shrug "it can wait until tomorrow."

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