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Nick's brother looks at me smiling "so it's been a crazy day?" I nod agreeing and smile "tell me about it."

I look at the clock and smile "and it's not even been a full day yet." He nods towards my head "how is your head?" I nod agreeing and touch it "good, thank you." He smirks and nods "you are welcome."

I scoff and shake my head "I'm not some damsel in destress you know?" He shrugs and sits on the steps "he knows that but he will still be there for you when you need him and even when you don't." I shrug and sit beside him "he is a good friend."

He smiles and nods "well you have me too." I smirk and look at my phone "I don't even know your name?" He smirks and nods "its Ryan..." He hesitates and nods "Ryan."

I raise my eyebrow and smirk "Ryan?" He nods and smiles "that's right?" I nod agreeing and smile "least I won't wonder why there is a random number in my phone now." He laughs nervously and nods "I got a new number so let me see your phone and I will change it?" I raise my eyebrow and scoff "in a day?" He nods and smiles "yes?" I shrug and hand him my phone "ok."

I stand up and walk towards Lucky as he scratches the back door "excuse me."

I let him outside and take a deep breath taking in the fresh air.

"Belle?" I turn around and see Nick walk towards me "yeah?" He hands me my phone and smiles "someone should be here within the hour with a new door for the front and the bathroom but I can't wait around because I have a meeting at 8 in New Jersey so I should hit the road." I nod agreeing and smile "that's ok." Ryan walks towards us and smirks "I can stay?" Nick nods and waves "I owe you one."

He waves at me as he leaves. Ryan shrugs and smiles at me "it's no problem." Lucky runs in and I close the back door "I'm going to just get dressed."

He nods and sits on the sofa "make yourself at home." I walk into the bedroom and close the door behind me.

I walk out and see Ryan sleeping on the sofa "some bodyguard."

I smile at his beautiful face "god he is hot." I bite my bottom lip and he moves "shit!" I quickly walk into the kitchen and start making coffee and breakfast.

"Belle?!" I hear Ryan looking around for me "in here!"

He walks in and rubs his eyes "I didn't even realise I fell asleep. I smile and shrug as I fry some bacon "hungry?" He nods and smiles "always."

I grab two plates and fill them with food "good." I grab a plate and glass of orange juice and nod towards the coffee "help yourself."

I walk into the living room and sit down on the sofa. Ryan walks towards me and smiles "this is amazing." I smirk and shake my head "it's just breakfast. I make better diners." He smirks and shrugs "maybe I will need to come over for dinner one night?" I blush and eat into my pancake "it's a date."

I nearly choke and shake my head "not a date! A dinner meal?" He nods and smiles "I can't wait."

After an hour someone comes to the door as me and Ryan are watching a movie "hello?" I look over and smile "hey!" He looks at the door and nods "I guess this is the right house?" I laugh nervously and nod agreeing "unless you happened to see any other houses with the front door missing then I think it is?" He smirks flirty at me and nods "I will get to it then."

He shows me his pearl white teeth before sticking his toolbox down and grabbing the door from his van. I nod agreeing and laugh nervously as I walk back towards Ryan

He scoffs and shakes his head "what?" He raises his eyebrow at me and smirks "nothing." He plays the TV and I sit down beside him and watch it with him.

After the boy is done with the two doors he walks towards the front door and opens it "that is it all done." I smile and stand up "thank you."

He hands me a card and smirks "if you ever need anything else fixed then you give me a call, ok?" I nod agreeing and smile nervously "ok." He waves at me before walking out the door.

I close the door behind him and laugh nervously "wow!" Ryan stands up and smiles nervously "I should go." I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

He grabs his jacket and walks out the door without saying another word. I raise my eyebrow and shake my head confused "bye then?"

I close the door after him and walk back towards the sofa and pick up the cups and head into the kitchen.

I place them in the sink and look at the card in my hand "nope." I tear it in half and stick it in the bin and look at the clock "3AM." I nod agreeing and lock the doors before heading into my bedroom and back into bed.

I wake up and smile at lucky who is at the side of my bed just looking at me "morning."

He licks my face and I move "ewww!" I wipe my wet face and sit up "I'm up." I look at his head and smile "good boy."

I stand up and grab my leggings sticking them on "let's go for a jog." I grab his lead and walk out the front door.

I look towards the house next to mine and see the women from before "still lost your mouse?" She jumps and nods at me "the man in this house said that he has left cheese out for him so I'm just waiting for him to come and eat it." I smile and wave "good luck!"

As I walk down the street and shake my head in confusing "I didn't know Miss Cameron got a new man?" Lucky barks and I smirk at him "well I think it's a good thing, let's go."

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