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As we walk into the parks gate Lucky spots a squirrel and runs after it "no!"

His lead gets out of my hand and I run after him "stop!"

He stops and looks at me "squirrels are not food." He looks down at the ground "come on."

I take his lead off him and walk the other way "let's get you a good stick."

He runs off and I look around for sticks as I follow him.

"Here!" I spot a large stick on the floor and pick it up "go get it!" I fling it and he runs after it.

The stick lands on the ground but he looks towards the side and wags his tail. I look over and see a woman fling a ball for her dog and I watch as Lucky watches it.

The balls lands in the water and he runs towards the lake and jumps in "no!"

I run towards him and shake my head "get out." He gets out and shakes himself "you are lucky I don't have my car because I did not put clean towels in."

He picks up the stick and runs off with it in his mouth and I jog after him.

We head home after an hour and I see Natalie outside my house sitting on the steps "hey!" I smile and wave "where have you been?!" I look at Lucky and smile "park?"

I open the front door and walk in "why? What's happened?" She falls back onto the sofa and takes a deep breath "I'm moving."

I raise my eyebrows and scoff "your moving?" She nods and I smile "you?" She nods and raises her eyebrow "yes, me?"

I shrug and grab 2 beers from the fridge "what happened?" She sits up and takes the deep breath and takes the beer "he was doing a job last night." I nod agreeing and smile "ok?" She raises her eyebrow and nods firmly "ohhh that kind of job."

I shake my head and sit beside her "so does he know you are moving out and left him?" She shrugs and smiles "not yet because I want to find a place first."

I raise my eyebrow and look around "and I guess your stuff is in your car?" She nods and leans her head on my shoulder "could I crash here? it will only be for a day or two?" I nod agreeing and smile "of course you can stay."

She hugs me and sticks the beer on the table "you are the best!"

She runs towards the door and grabs her suitcase and bag and brings it in.

She looks around and smirks "so where will I stick this?" I nod towards my spare bedroom and smile "you can move in here."

She shakes her head and walks towards me "what?" I nod agreeing and stand up "I'm ready."

I look towards the room and smile "it just lays there emptied."

I walk towards the door and open it "it will need painted and freshened up and I still have paint left over so we can paint it grey and pink or we can go out tomorrow and get new paint and get furniture?" She smiles and nods "that would be perfect."

She hugs me and looks into the empty room "are you 100 percent sure about this?" I smile and look into the room "I'm sure."

I look at her and take a deep breath "it's time I let go."

I help Natalie inside with her stuff and she looks around "I hope your sofa is comfortable." I roll my eyes and shove her softly "you can sleep beside me tonight." She scoffs and shakes her head "I have heard you snore? The sofa is perfect thanks." I roll my eyes and smirk "true that!"

I walk towards my room and smile "I'm going to go for a shower then get changed for work." She smirks and walks towards me "now that we are house mates can I borrow your stuff?" I laugh sarcastically and shake my head "you wish."

I close the door and smile "boring!" I roll my eyes and smirk before grabbing clothes for work. 

I walk out into the living room sticking my earrings in "you want a lift?" She raises her eyebrow and smirks "I thought you didn't like driving to work?"

I shrug and apply some lipstick "I'm not planning on drinking tonight." She shrugs and smiles "means I can I guess so yes!" I nod agreeing and grab my bag and keys from the fake fruit bowl "let's go then." She grabs her jacket and follows me outside.

"Do I get a key?" I nod agreeing and open the car "I will get it copied tomorrow." She gets into the passenger side and nods "and what about Lucky?" I raise my eyebrow and start the car "what about him?"

She shrugs and smiles "I have Meow Meow at Todd's still?" I shrug and smile at her "he doesn't chase cats so just bring him over? We can go get him tomorrow if you want?" She nods and smiles "I would love that."

As we pull up outside I nod towards the door at Amy "does she know yet?" She shrugs and opens the door "soon find out."

We walk towards the club and Amy smiles at us "you ok?" She nods and looks around "I forgot my keys so Blain is dropping them off." I nod agreeing and smile "see you in there?" She nods and smiles softly "ok."

We both walk in and I shrug "guess not?" She smirks and shakes her head "he probably hasn't even realised yet." I scoff and shake my head as we walk in "I'm sure he has noticed that your stuff has gone."

She shrugs and opens the back door "its Todd we are talking about here? He probably wouldn't notice if I even moved on and in with someone new." I shrug and smile as I open my locker "true."

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