
18 2 0

I wake up and look at the time "1PM?"

I sit up and head into the living room "are you still here?" I look at the sofa and see a note "thank you for letting me crash, hope you enjoy the bed. Love R x" I roll my eyes and scoff "I can't believe I still don't know him name."

I walk towards the kitchen and open the fridge "you want some scrambled eggs?" Lucky wags his tail and brings his bowl towards me "coming right up." I grab the stuff for scrambled eggs and start making it.

"Here you go!" I stick his bowl down and stroke his head "good boy."

I grab my scrambled egg and do myself 2 slices of toast before sitting down on the sofa and eat it.

My phone rings and I pick it up answering it "hello?" I hear a knock on the door "good you are awake. Open the door." I smile and stand up "ok."

I open the door and see Nick at the other side holding a bag "how are you? I heard what happened." I smile and shrug letting him in "I'm ok." He nods and closes the door behind him "good."

He waves at Lucky and smiles "hey boy!" Lucky wags his tail and runs towards him "who's a good boy?!"

He licks him and barks in excitement "someone is excited to see you." He shrugs and walks towards me "I would be excited to see me too after spending the night with my brother." I roll my eyes and continue eating "he made my bed for me so he isn't that bad."

Nick sits beside me and smile "you ok though?" I nod agreeing and smile "I'm fine."

I finish my food and walk into the kitchen "are you working at the club tonight?" I shrug and walk back into the living room "I'm not meant to be but I should get all this done by 8 so I can go in and do the 8 till 4 shift." He nods and looks around "let's get to work then."

I smile and raise my eyebrow "you have done enough." He grabs a box and starts unpacking it "I brought the van so I can help take your old stuff away, no arguments." I roll my eyes and help unpacking the box's.

We spend the next 3 hours unpacking, building and sorting things out "and we are finally done." I place my pillow on the sofa and smile.

Nick nods and smiles "it looks like a whole new different place." I smile and look at the TV on the wall "I hope your skills are good and my TV won't fall?" He shakes his head and smiles "it will be fine."

I nod agreeing and walk towards the bathroom "I'm just going to freshen up then we can go drop this stuff off?" He nods and smiles "ok? I will just load it into the van." I nod agreeing before walking into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I look into the mirror and tie my hair back before splashing water onto my face and brushing my teeth. I look into the mirror and smile "god I need a spa."

I take a dep breath and head into the living room "ready?" I smile in shock and nod agreeing "ready." I grab my jacket and follow him out the door and towards his van.

We drive towards Amy's apartment and I smile "this is us." He parks up and opens the back "no help today?" He smirks and shakes his head "just us."

I call Amy's mobile and smile "yous can come down." I nod agreeing and look towards her door "yous?" I nod agreeing and smile at him when I see the door open "her boyfriend and brother are going to help bring stuff in."

He nods and starts taking things out "well I will take this in." I grab a box and smile "let's go."

I walk towards the door and he follows closely behind me. "Belle!"

Her brother Todd and boyfriend Blain runs towards me and smile "hey!" Todd takes the box from me and places it inside before running back out and hugging me.

"where have you been?" I shrug and smile "you know? Here and there." They look at Nick and smirk "I bet." Amy walks out and smiles "just in here Nick."

Nick raises his eyebrows at me and smirks "ok." He walks in and I shake my head "let's get this inside."

They follow me to the van and help lift the heavy things as I take the boxes "so what is the deal with you and Storms?" I smirk and shake my head "who?" Blain raises his eyebrow and nods towards Nick "Nick is it?" I shake my head and keep walking "nothing? We are just friends." Todd smirks and enters the house "Natalie told me that it's his brother you want?" I roll my eyes and scoff "of course she did."

I stick the box down and shrug "he is hot but I don't even know his name." Nick walks back in holding 2 boxes "where will I stick these?" We all look away nervously "just in here!" Amy pops her head out from the kitchen and Nick walks in "let's get the rest of the stuff in before I start work."

Amy walks out eating a banana "I didn't think you was working tonight?" I shrug and take a bite "I'm not meant to be but I'm going to go in." She nods and hands me $100 "this is for all this." I roll my eyes and shake my head "don't be silly."

She steps back as I hand her the money back "it's the least I can do." I shake my head and smile when I see her son Jordan walk out "hey Aunt Belle."

I smile and hand him the money "go buy yourself new shoes or a video game." He smirks and hugs me "thank you!"

He runs back into his room and I shrug "let's get the rest of these boxes."

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