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I unlock the front door and take a deep breath before walking inside.

I look around the dark and quiet house "hello?"

I look upstairs and raise my eyebrows "Luca?!"

I hear a noise coming from the kitchen "are you here?" I walk into the kitchen and see 2 ferrets eating a dead rabbit "eww!"

They both stop when I walk in and run towards me "Luca?!"

They climb up me and start licking my face "nice to see yous two too."

I stroke them and place them back on the floor "go find Luca!"

They run off out into the back yard "of course he is out here."

I follow them out and look around "Luca?"

I feel someone touch my shoulder making me jump.

I turn around and see a man "you scared me!" He smirks and hugs me "come give your uncle Luca a hug."

I smirk and cuddle into him "what are you building now?" She shrugs and walks towards the tree house.

"Matt and Sofia have been using this as a hospital and keep having babies here so I thought I would make it a little more comfortable for them?" I laugh nervously and look at the dark sky "but it's like 2AM?"

He shrugs and smiles "I know but they are move active at night so I won't be eating alive if I wake them?" I smirk and follow him towards the tree house.

"So you have baby ferrets?" I climb up the ladders and smirk "I want to see!"

I get up and see a large blanket and 6 baby ferrets "they are so cute!"

Sofia runs towards me and climbs up me "good job Sofia!"

She licks my face and I smile "my dog will not like that I smell of ferret."

Luca smirks and shakes his head "so what do I owe the pleasure?" I shrug and laugh nervously "can't I just visit my favourite and only family member I have left?" He raises his eyebrows "of course you can."

He hugs me and smiles "I will grab some coffee and we can talk?" I smile softly and nod agreeing "thank you."

He climbs back down the tree house and I hang my legs off and take a deep breath as I look at the house I grew up in.

After I tell Luca everything about Ryland and what he told me he shakes his head in disbelief .

"Iremember that weekend clearly. Your dad and his friend went out for somethingbut broke down so your mum and her friend Abbie went to pick them up so I wasbabysitting you all. I had a few drinks and I passed out at midnight and noteven an hour later I got that phone call from your parents but I missed itbecause I was so drunk." I smile softly and hold his hand "I didn't know that."

He wipes away a tear from cheek "so you met Adam and Abbie's kids?" I nod and smile "3 of them anyway. Ryland doesn't speak to his older brother because he shot his dad."

Luca smirks and shakes his head "and I thought we had weird family drama?" I smile and shake my head "I know!"

I take a deep breath and look towards the ground below "do you remember dad's friend Lewis Duncan?"

He shakes his head and scoffs "that man was not your father's friend, he was the one who got him killed." I shake my head in disbelief "what?"

He nods firmly and smiles softly "that night he came by the house and opened fired. Luckily yous all slept in the tree house that night and no one was hurt."

He shows me his chest and I see a scar "I was shot and that night I knew I wasn't the right person to bring yous up and that is why I left after the funeral." I

shake my head and look confused "I thought you went to rehab for your drinking?" He shakes his head and takes a deep breath "the night your parents died was the night I KNEW I didn't want another drop of alcohol and I have never touched a drop since that night."

He stands up and I take a deep breath "he tried killing me tonight."

I hear the wooden railing make a noise "he what?!" I

stand up and pull his hand away "easy!" I laugh nervously and shake my head "this is my childhood you are going to ruin?"

He takes a deep breath and let's go "sorry."

He looks at the house and scoffs "I should have told you about him years ago."

He sits back down and I join him "I didn't even know him let alone speak to him until a few years ago? I only saw him after I found Lucky and he turned out to be the vet that I went too."

He smiles softly and looks around "why didn't you bring Lucky?" I shrug and laugh nervously "I kind of snuck out my house to come get answers?"

Luca laughs sarcastically "you snuck out your own house?"

I nod agreeing and drink my coffee "I was nearly killed tonight when a car nearly crashed into my taxi so I don't think my house mate or Ryland and Nick would be too happily letting me leave?" Luca rolls his eyes and scoffs "well you can stay here for the night? Your old room is still there or you could have my room? I think the single princess bed will be too small?"

I smile softly and nod agreeing "that would be perfect thank you."

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