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I walk towards the back door and show Ryland the paper "what is the the real reason you are around me?!"

He raises his eyebrow and shakes his head "what?!" I show him the paper and he reads through it "I didn't know?"

He looks at his parents signature "I didn't even know I owned it?" I scoff and shake my head "so who did you think owned it? You are always in VIP so you must have a good connection?" He nods and smiles "my grandad owns that and the club across from it?"

I shake my head and raise my eyebrow "what?" I run into the house and he follows me.

"I own half of the R&B and I own the one across the road from it?" He looks at the papers and takes his phone out his pocket "excuse me."

His face goes angry as he walks towards the front door on the phone.

After 20 minutes Ryland walks back in "my grandad said he will sign them over to you."

I shake my head and laugh nervously "what?!" I look at the papers and shake my head.

"I don't know how to run a bath never mind a club?!" Ryland smiles and looks at the R&B club paper "well technically I own half so I could help for the first few months until you get the hang of it then you can take over."

I look at Luca and shrug "what about you?" He laughs nervously and shakes his head "me?! Working in a night club?" I smile softly and shake my head "owning one."

He laughs nervously and nods firmly "good one! Give the ex-alcoholic a nightclub."

I shrug and look at the paper "it doesn't say it needs to be a nightclub? Plus with it being across the road from R&B it means I would be my own competition."

I look at the tree house still in perfect condition "you could turn it anything you want?"

He takes a deep breath and shakes his head "partners?" He holds his hand out and I shrug "deal"

I shake his hand and smile "you can think of what you want to turn it into?" He nods firmly and laughs nervously "I will need to see the building first?" I smile and grab a pen "I don't have my phone but let me take care of getting it in our name."

I write on a piece of paper and hand him it "this is my new address so come by in 3 days?" He nods and sticks the paper in his pocket "perfect."

I head into the fridge and grab a bottle of water "we should get going then?" I look at Ryland and he nods agreeing "ok."

I look outside at Rylands car and smile "do you not have a car anymore Uncle Luca?" He walks towards me and shakes his head "I gave it up because I didn't need it."

I smirk and grab my pink princess box and head towards the door "here." I hand hand him my car keys "you will need a car to get into town and my place."

I open the door and wave as I quickly walk out "bye!"

I walk towards my car and nods "I need my stuff though?" He shakes his head and looks at the car "you can't just give me your car?!" I roll my eyes and open the door "think of it as an investment."

I grab my stuff from the car and place them in the box and close the car door "bye!" I wave at him as I get into Rylands car "bye sweetheart!"

He waves at me as we drive away and out of sight.

I hold the Princess box close to me and Ryland smirks "what is with the box?" I open it and shrug "it's all our photos and the love letters you sent me."

He laughs nervously and shakes his head "what?" I hold a note up and open it. "Dear my Isabelle!" He shakes his head and places it back in the box "ok, ok!"

I smile and close the lid "so you kept them?" I look at him and see him with such big eyes "of course? You was my first husband after all?" He smirks and places his hand in mine "and I will make sure I am your last."

We get back to my house and Ryland looks at me as he opens the gate.

"I'm sorry for everything." I shake my head and smirk "I shouldn't have ran off in the middle of the night, especially after what just happened." He takes my hand and kisses it "I'm glad your safe."

We drive up to the house and Nick comes out the front door with 2 other men "thanks guys. I will see you tomorrow Alan for little Alice's tea party?" One of the men nod "she's looking forward to it!"

The men get into a van and I raise my eyebrow "who are they?" Nick shrugs and laughs nervously "friends?"

He looks towards the van and smirks "let's go inside."

I sit down and Ryland walks into the kitchen "are you ok?" Nick walks towards me and smiles "I am now." He rubs my arm and smiles "good."

He shakes his head and leans back "now never run away like that again!" I smile and rest my head on his shoulder "I won't, don't worry."

I hear Lucky bark and run downstairs "hey boy!" He runs towards me and jumps on the sofa "I've missed you too!"

I stroke his head and he licks my face "who is my good boy?" Lucky barks and I smile "yes you are!"

Ryland walks back in confused "did they take care of it?" I sit up and Nick nods agreeing "take care of what?" Ryland grabs his jacket and smiles "the body."

He waves as he walks towards the door "I got some business I need to take care off but I will see you soon?" I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

He walks out the front door closing it behind him.

I head into the kitchen and look out the back yard "they did a good job cleaning it away?" I look over and see Natalie walk downstairs "they did a loud job too!"

Nick laughs nervously "sorry about that." He walks towards her and kisses her "morning beautiful." She smirks and hugs him "morning."

She looks at me and grabs a cup "coffee?" I shake my head and grab my laptop charger "I have some stuff I need to take care off so I will be upstairs."

Natalie nods firmly and smiles as I walk towards the stairs with Lucky following my every step "ok, I will come up later and we can talk?"

I smirk and nod agreeing "that would be perfect."

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