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As I grab the shot glasses and 2 bottles of shots and place them on a tray I can't help but look for him in the crowd.

"are you ok?" I look at Natalie and nod agreeing "I'm fine." She hands me her lipstick and smiles "might want to tell your mouth that?" I stick some more lipstick on and pick up the tray "duty calls."

I walk back towards VIP and the bouncer opens the door for me "thank you." He smiles like it was the first time someone said it too him.

I walk in and spot the boy running towards me "where do you want these?" He shakes his head and takes them off me "let me take that." He walks towards a table at the back "come on."

He nods and I raise my eyebrow with confusion "ok?" I follow him and he sticks the tray down.

"so can I have your name yet?" I blush and shake my head looking towards the floor "why do you want to know my name?" He shrugs and looks at my with his big bright blue eyes "because I like to know the name of my employees?" I roll my eyes and take the tray "I don't actually work for you. I work for Alisha."

A girl walks towards us and wraps her arms around the boy "happy birthday baby!" She pecks him on the lips "I will leave you too it." I smile as I walk away from the awkwardness.

As I walk around the other party guests taking drinks I can feel him watch me.

I walk towards a group of boys laughing "what can I get yous?" One of the boys holding a shots bottle smirk and looks me up and down "how about a glass of you?" I roll my eyes and he looks at his friends and laughs "oh come on baby!" He goes to slap my bum but I grab his hand before he gets the chance.

"how about I get you a glass of respect for women?" He pulls his hand back and all his friends laugh "what did you say?" He stands up and looks angry the more his friends laugh "you want to say that again?"  He steps towards me but someone steps in between us "enough!"

He looks at the boy blocking him from getting me "I think you have had enough to drink tonight, don't you?" The boy nods and without hesitation he grabs his jacket and leaves.

The boy in front of me turns around and I realise it was the hot boy "thank you." He smiles at me and nods "so now can I get your name?" Before I could answer I feel someone tap my shoulder "can I speak to you for a minute Belle?" I turn around and see Alisha "sure."

I nod agreeing and smile at the boy "guess you know my name." He nods and smirks "Isabelle?" I nod agreeing and smile "no! Just Belle" I take a deep breath and scoff "excuse me."

I follow Alisha towards the back and into an empty booth "everything ok?" She nods and looks towards the bar "that boy just told me what happened." I look over and see the boy that tried to grab my ass "what lies did he tell." She shakes her head and shows me a handful of money "he told me the truth and handed me this?" I raise my eyebrow at the cash and look back over towards him as he waves at me "wow!"

She hands me it smiling "maybe stick it in your locker?" I shake my head and step back "put it towards the bottles you smashed yesterday?" She raises her eyebrows and scoffs "well this should cover that." She takes a small amount from the bundle and hands me the rest "the rest is yours."

I nod agreeing and smile "can you stick it in my locket for me?" She nods and smiles before standing up "I understand if you maybe want to go back behind the bar?" I shake my head and smile "no I'm ok."

She smirks and looks behind me "well with Ryland protecting you I don't blame you." I look over and see the bouncer "it's his job." I stand up and grab my notebook "well I should get back to work." I walk towards another booth and start taking more orders.

After a few hours the party starts getting bigger and Natalie walks towards me as I'm getting more drinks "you need any help?" I look around and shake my head "I'm ok."

She looks around and nod agreeing "you want me to stay and give you a ride home?" I shake my head pick up the tray "don't be silly." I smile and nod agreeing "I will get a taxi, you go home." She walks towards me and hugs me "text me once you get home!" I nod agreeing and smile as she walks towards the exit "I will."

I head back into VIP and see everyone starting to get more and more drunk. I place the bottles of beer on the table and smile "enjoy."

I feel someone grab my hand "miss?" I turn around and nod agreeing "yes?" He stands up and I get ready to pull away "can I get some water?" His face turns white and I nod agreeing "of course."

I walk away and realise he is still holding onto my hand "this way."

I shake my head and lead him out and towards the bar "water!" Alisha nods and quickly grabs a bottle of water "thank you."

I open it with my teeth and hand it to the boy "thank you." He drinks it in one go "you're so pretty." I laugh nervously and smell the alcohol off him as he leans towards me "thank you."

He nods and sticks the water down "can we dance?" I laugh nervously and look at Alisha but realise she is busy "I'm not much of a dancer?" He spins me around and I laugh nervously "I think you are the best dancer there is."

I see someone reach in and break out hands apart "your taxi is outside Nick." I look at the hot boy and laugh nervously "I'm going to need to start paying you for protection soon."

The boy rolls his eyes and grabs the bottle of water "bye beautiful." He runs his hand down my face before walking out the club.

The boy picks up the tray of drinks and smirks "Nick is my little brother, he's innocent." He nods towards the VIP and I follow him. "As for Chase he likes to impress the boys more than anything."

The bouncer opens the door and I smile at him "thank you." He grins and nods as I walk in "your party guests can't handle their drinks then?" He nods and smiles "pretty much."

He looks around "so who wants what?" we start passing the bottles around and I take the tray and smile at him "I am going to need to tip you at this rate." He shrugs and opens the door for me "I like making sure you are safe." I scoff and shake my head "I can handle myself."

A girl walks over towards us and wraps her arm around his waist and whispers into his ear "I should get back to work."

He shakes himself pulling away from the girl "wait!" I walk away before he can say another word.

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