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I grab my phone and dial Natalie's number "hey!"

I smile and look out the window "do you fancy coming here tonight and spending the night here and we can head home together tomorrow?"

I laugh nervously and shake my head look towards the sofa "why? What happened? Are you ok?!" I laugh sarcastically and shrug "well..."

I shake my head and walk towards the TV and turn it on "well firstly who are you with?"

I see CCTV option on the TV settings so I click on it and the CCTV screen's come up "no one, it is just me."

I smile and take a deep breath "well the lake house got attacked and I'm pretty sure it was Lewis's men by the sounds off it."

I sit on the sofa and laugh sarcastically shaking my head "what?!"

I smile softly and look at the TV "I know." I look at Lucky and stroke his head "are yous ok?"

I smile softly and watch the CCTV as the car leaves the area "we are fine, little shocked at how they even found us but we are good."

I laugh sarcastically and shake my head "I actually found a panic room thing hiding in my parents closet that I never knew about so we managed to get too safety and secure the house before they could even get in."

I walk towards the kitchen and grab a beer "thank god!"

I open it and take a sip "if you think it's too late then just come over tomorrow? I will just keep the house on lockdown and go into the panic room and sleep?"

I hear a car door slam "don't be silly, I'm on my way!"

I smile and nod firmly "you're the best! I will send you the address for the lake house now."

I hang up and text her the address "let's go set up the guest bedroom."

I set up the bed for Natalie and head downstairs when I hear a phone ring.

I pick up my mobile and realise it wasn't that ringing.

I look around and see a man wearing a jumper and a hat in the kitchen holding a gun "shh!"

He holds his finger up and I look around and see Lucky beside him unconscious on the floor "what have you done?!"

A smash comes from upstairs and the man grabs me and Lucky and runs towards the kitchen cupboard and closes the door behind him "hold your breath."

He pulls a switch and the floor below us disappears and we fall for a few meters before hitting water.

I look around panicked "who are you?!"

He pushes a button on his remote and the trapdoor above us closes back up "let's go."

He carries Lucky in his arms and swims towards a light "you could say I was a friend of your parents."

I swim towards him still confused "was?" He nods firmly and smirks "I hate to break the bad news too you kid but your parents died?"

I roll my eyes and start crouching when I feel the ground below me "I thought you meant yous had a fall out?"

He shakes his head and places Lucky in a car parked under a camouflage sheet "your mum is my family so we didn't have a choice but to stick together."

He nods towards the car and I shake my head "and how do I know that Lewis didn't send you?"

He rolls his eyes and takes his hat and hood off "happy?"

As I look into the eyes of the man in front of me and I can't help but see my uncle Luca "how? Who are you?"

He rolls his eyes and nods towards the car "I'm your uncle Roman, I'm Luca's twin and your mums other brother. Now can we go?!"

I hear a gunshot and I nod "yes!"

I get into the car and he drives off.

I look at Lucky and stroke him "did you kill my dog?"

He shakes his head and scoffs "of course not?!"

He holds up a dart gun "he should wake up in 10 mins." I nod and stroke his head "good."

I look at my phone and shake my head "Natalie!"

Roman shakes his head and raises his eyebrow "what? There was no one else in the house?"

I shake my head and dial her number "she is driving down to stay the night."

It goes to voicemail and I shake my head "we need to go back!"

He shakes his head and laughs sarcastically "your joking, right?"

I shake my head and open the toolbox by my feet "I'm not going to let her walk straight into danger?" I take a gun out and shrug "let's go!"

He stops the car at the side of the road and raises his eyebrow at the gun "do you even know how to shoot?" I shrug and look at the gun "you aim and fire?"

He nods towards the gun and smirks "well you need bullets for a start?"

I laugh nervously and look at the bullets in the box "right."

I place the bullets in the gun and nod "now let's go!"

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