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The next three nights David still doesn't text Natalie or come into the club so she walks about sulking.

"Do you think he doesn't like me?" I shake my head and smile "what?!" I walk towards her and smile "why wouldn't he? You are beautiful and amazing."

I spot David walking through the crowd "let's ask him yourself?" I nod towards him and she looks over "I can't!"

She walks away as he walks towards us "what can I get you?" He hands me a piece of paper and smiles "give this to Natalie and tell her my uncle Jason lost his phone and I have been busy moving into my new apartment?" I smirk and nod agreeing "I will do."

He winks at me and smiles "you're the best!" He walks away and I smile at the piece of paper before sticking it in my bra and serve the next customer.

I walk towards Natalie and smile "so what excuse did he come up with?" I shake my head and hand her the paper from my bra "Jason lost his phone which is like Jason and he has been trying to sort his new apartment out."

She shrugs and smiles at the paper "that isn't the worse excuse." I smile and rub my shoulder "now you should wait at least 3 days before texting him."

She shrugs and smiles holding her phone "oops?" She sticks her phone in her bra and laughs nervously "or 3 seconds is fine."

She walks away and serves someone else. I turn around and see the girl from the other day "what can I get you?" She scoffs at me and shakes her head before walking away "ok?"

I move along the bar shaking my head as I serve the next customer.

At 12AM the place starts getting empty and I look around "where is everyone going?" Alisha walks towards me and smiles "we have another party on tonight."

I look over and see Ryan walking into VIP with that girl "of course he has another girl on the go." I roll my eyes and walk towards the back.

I take a deep breath and look into my locker "Belle!" I look over and see Natalie "are you ok?" I nod agreeing and grab my lipstick "yeah, why?" She shrugs and walks towards me "because I saw that girl speak to you at the bar and I saw her with Ryan so wanted to see what she said?" I shrug and smile "nothing. She was in the other day asking about his name because she thought he was hot so I said Nick out of jealousy I guess and she obviously figured it out that I lied to her."

She walks towards me and sticks my lipstick on "he is an ass." She hands me my lipstick back and walks towards her locker "here." She hands me some perfume and smirks "this is amazing." I spray some and hand her it back "you really are the best."

She sticks the perfume back into her locker and shrugs "I know." She holds my hand and walks towards the door "now let's go."

The main club gets emptier by the minute and at 3AM we get down to 50 people in it "you want you can go and head home?" I look over and see Alisha looking at me "no I'm ok staying."

I look over and see Natalie flirting with David "let Natalie go?" She nods and walks towards her and speaks to her for a few seconds before Natalie grins and nods in excitement.

She runs towards me and smiles "you don't mind if I bring David back do you?" I shake my head and smile "of course not." She kisses my cheek and smiles "see you soon."

I smirk and nod firmly "text me when you get home!" I look at David and smirk "I can't wait to hear the goss."

I raise my eyebrow and shake my head "but not too much so keep it quiet?" She rolls her eyes and hugs me "bye!" I wave at her as she walks out with David.

I walk into the back bathroom and see it blocked "typical."

I walk back out and walk towards Alisha "toilet is blocked again." She nods and walks towards the laptop "I will get onto that."

I nod agreeing and smile "I'm going to use the customer one?" She nods and waves "ok."

I walk towards the toilets and see the girl that was clung to Ryan earlier in the bathroom with her 2 friends.

I walk towards the bathroom stall and lock the door behind me. I can hear the girls giggling outside as she girl tells her friends how amazing Ryan was "he is super sweet and he has even invited me back to his tonight."

Her friends all gasp and giggle "are you going too?" I walk out and wash my hands "of course! I bet by tomorrow I will officially be his girlfriend." I smirk and walk outside to stop myself from laughing.

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