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The next morning I get up with Lucky barking "Lucky!" I look at the clock and groan "are you really making me get up at 8AM?"

I roll over and he holds his bowl in his mouth "breakfast then back to bed?" He wags his tail and I get out of bed "fine."

I walk towards the kitchen and fill his bowl up with food and fresh water "now shh!"

I get back into bed and drift off but hear my phone ring "really?" I look at my phone and see 5 missed calls from James "I will call him back." I turn my phone off and roll back over and fall asleep.

I wake up a few hours later when someone bangs on my door making Lucky bark "I'm up!"

I get out bed and walk towards the door "what?" I see James and Natalie standing at the other side "where have you been?" I let them in and sit on the sofa "sleeping?" I look towards the clock and yawn "I only got in at 6."

Natalie smirks and nod agreeing "so it's true?" I raise my eyebrow and laugh nervously "what is true?" She sits beside me and looks at my lips "those lips got kissed last night?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "what?!" Lucky tilts his head and barks "no?"

She grabs her phone and shows me a photo "this is the boy from the bar?" I look at the picture and nod agreeing "so?" She swipes and I see a photo of him kissing a girl but she is hiding "and that isn't you?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "of course it isn't?!"

James smirks and nods "HA! I told you." I look at the photo and zoom in "that girl is wearing 8-inch heels for a start? I struggle to walk properly in normal shoes." She looks at it and shrugs "true."

She leans back and sighs "guess Mr hot man is taken." I stand up and open the front door "yeah what a shame." I nod agreeing and smirk "now can I get some sleep?" They nod agreeing and walk towards the door

"see you at work later?" I nod agreeing and smile "of course." James winks as he walks out "let's hope Alisha sticks you back in VIP?" I roll my eyes and scoff "it's good for the tips I guess."

Natalie walks towards me and hugs me "hopefully not, I miss working with you." I shrug and hug her back "maybe Alisha will let you work there with me?" She scoffs and blows me a kiss "see you tonight."

I close the door as they leave and head back into the bedroom.

I get into bed and close my eyes but for the next half an hour I toss and turn "guess I'm up."

I open my eyes and sit up "want to go out?" Lucky wags his tail and barks "take that as a yes."

I smile and get out of bed to get dressed. "Come on!" I grab Lucky's lead and walk towards the door "walkies!"

Lucky runs towards me and sits down waiting patiently for me to stick his lead on "good boy." I stroke his head as I finish strapping it on him and open the front door.

We walk towards the park and I let him off the lead as we get away from the entrance a bit more. I pick up a stick and fling it "go get it!"

Lucky runs off after the stick and brings it back "good boy." I pick it up and fling it again.

As he runs after it my phone rings "hello?" I answer it and pick the stick back up as Lucky runs back with it "Belle can you come into work at 4 and do a 12-hour shift? Chloe is off tonight so I'm down a VIP girl?" I nod agreeing and smile "sure."

I pick up the stick as Lucky runs back towards me with it "you're the best! See you soon." I hang up and fling the stick again "go get it!" He runs off again and I walk towards him.

We walk around the lake still playing fetch with the stick as my phone rings "hello?" I hear someone breath down the phone "hello?!" I shake my head and look at the number "unknown?" I take a deep breath and look around the park before hanging up "let's go boy."

I grab the stick and start jogging back towards the entrance.

I stick his lead on him and smile "you want to keep this?" He barks and I nod agreeing "here you go then." I stick it on the floor and he picks it up with his teeth "let's go home for food."

He wags his tail and I smile and walk towards the entrance "I get excited about food too."

We get back home and I stick my keys in the fake fruit bowl before grabbing Lucky's bowl and filling it "food time!"

Lucky runs towards the bowl as I stick it down "good boy." I stroke his head and smile "now for me."

I start cooking pasta when my phone rings "hey Natalie."

I empty the hot water from the pasta and sprinkle a handful of cheese onto the pasta "what time you heading to work?" I grab a bowl and fill it with pasta "I start at 4 so I'm going in the next hour, why?"

I sit down on the sofa and eat a bit of pasta "want a lift?" I smile and nod agreeing "Alisha got you in at 4?" I eat another bit and smile "yip." I nod agreeing and look at the time "ok well just come over when you're ready?" I take another bite and stick it aside "I'm going for a bath now then I will get dressed." I walk towards the bathroom and run a bath "ok, see you soon."

I hang up and place my phone on the bathroom sink before heading back into the living room and eat the rest of my pasta.

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