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I wake up the next morning when I hear birds coming from outside "I have missed that sound."

I smirk as I sit up "good morning baby!"

I stroke Lucky's head and he yawns before falling back asleep "you sleep and I will order food for us for the next few days."

I grab my laptop and open it "of course there is no signal."

I take a deep breath and stand up "looks like I will be riding into town."

I look towards the back yard and smile nervously "that is if my old bike is still out there."

I stand up and walk towards the back yard and open the door. I walk towards the shed out back and get the spare key hiding inside the fake CCTV camera and open the shed door.

I grab my bike and walk out towards the hose and wash it down "perfect!"

I smirk and grab my jacket "won't be long!"

I lock the door behind me and cycle towards town.

I get into town and place my bike up against the railing before heading inside.

I head down the aisles grabbing food and essentials for the next few days.

I take a deep breath and look at the dog food and grab a large box and some biscuits.

I walk down the alcohol section and I pick up some whiskey and wine "one more." I grab bottles of beers and head towards the checkout.

The man behind the counter smirks "having a party?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "something like that, party for one."

I grab my bags and hand him my card "where can I get a taxi?" He hands me my card and receipt "across the street." I points towards a taxi building "oh right, thank you."

I walk towards the door head into the taxi place across the street "taxi please?" The women nods and looks behind her "John?" A man stands up and walks towards the door "so where too?" I follow him outside and get into the back of the taxi.

We pull up outside and I smile at the taxi driver as he grab my bags and hands me them "thank you."

He nods firmly before heading back into the driver chair and driving away.

I head inside and unlock the door "I'm back!" Lucky runs towards me wagging his tail "hey boy!"

I stroke his head and walk into the kitchen "are you hungry?" I grab his bowl and fill it up "here you go."

I smile softly and look towards the bedding hanging up "let's get this back onto the bed."

I walk upstairs and head into the bedroom. I shiver as I walk into the bedroom and look at the window opened "oh that's cold!"

I walk towards the window and close it "better." I walk towards the bed and place the bedding on the bed.

I stand up after making the bed and smile "done." I nod firmly before heading out the room closing the door behind me.

I spend the evening cleaning the rest of the lake house and finally finish that night.

I look at the time and smile at Lucky "I will order pizza for 8 and wash myself as I wait for it then we can sit beside the fire and watch a film?" He barks and grabs his blanket "ok."

I grab my laptop and order some pizza before closing it .

"I'm going to run a bath." I run upstairs and walk into the bathroom.

I place the plug into the freshly cleaned bath and run the hot water and pour bubbles in. I walk into the bedroom and unpack my suitcase and grab a pair of pj shorts and an oversize jumper as I let the bath run.

Lucky runs in and grabs a toy from under the bed "what is that?" He walks towards me and I smile "oh thank god!" I take a deep breath and shake my head "for a second I thought it was a dead rat."

He runs out the room and I head into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I get dressed and start drying my hair when I hear Lucky bark.

I look at the time and shake my head "pizza shouldn't be here for another hour?" I stick my hair up in a messy bun still half wet and run downstairs.

I see Lucky at the door looking towards it "hello?"

I open the door and shake my head "no one is there?" I close the door and look at the time "7.45?!"

I walk towards the kitchen and grab a beer "these clocks need fixed." Someone knocks on the back door making me jump.

I walk towards it and open it and see the pizza man stands in the rain holding a large pizza bag "I wasn't sure what door to go too?" I smile and take the bag handing him a tip "sorry I didn't even hear the first knock." He shrugs and smiles "no problem." He waves before running towards his car.

I look at Lucky and shrug as I walk towards the sofa turning on the TV "let's eat."

We spend the next few hours watching movies and I lose track of time.

I look at the clock and smile "downstairs says its 2AM so upstairs will be 1.15AM."

I shrug and turn the TV and fire off "bedtime?" Lucky stands up and stretches "good answer."

I stick the pizza box and beer bottles in the bin and grab a bottle of water "let's go."

I lock the doors and head upstairs as Lucky follows closely behind.

I place the water on the bed and head into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

"What?" Lucky sits looking at me waging his tail as I wash my face "you want some?"

He walks towards me and I splash some water on his face and he wags his tail "all clean!"

He barks and I stick my toothbrush and paste back "ok I'm coming." I look into the mirror at my freshly cleaned teeth and smile "bedtime."

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