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I wake up on my sofa and see Natalie leaning over me "are you ok?" She hands me a bottle of water and I nod "please tell me that was a dream?"

I shake my head and laugh nervously "or please tell me it wasn't and I wasn't seeing things?"

I hear a familiar laugh and I stand up when I see Ryland and the boy walk in the front door "it's really you?!" He smiles softly at me "it's really me."

He holds his arms open and smirks "now come give your brother a hug!"

In shock and disbelief I walk towards him "how are you here?"

He smirks and shakes his head "I will explain everything later but for now we need to get you out of here."

He grabs my suitcase and bag "what?" I shake my head and scoff "where?"

He grabs Lucky's lead and smiles "safe house." He walks towards the door and I follow "what?"

He nods agreeing and sticks my things in the car "Lewis is a very dangerous man so if he finds out that you are alive then he will keep trying until he successes."

He opens the driver side door but I shake my head "I'm not just going to go run and hide like you did?!"

I look at Ryland and shrug "and I'm guessing that is what all the flowers are for? So he thinks I am dead?" He nods looking at the floor "well no."

I look at Roman and shake his head laughing nervously "I'm sorry Roman but I would rather stay and fight."

Roman looks at Ryland and smirks "little help?" Ryland picks my up over his shoulder and places me int the car "stop!"

He locks it with me inside "how is this any different from the way Lewis was?"

Ryland smirks and shakes his head "because he was trying to kill you? I am doing this because I love you."

I grin and shake my head "what?" He scoffs and stands up "text me when you get there?"

Roman gets in the car and waves "I will."

He waves and drives off.

As I look out the window at Ryland I replay they words over and over 'I love you.'

I laugh nervously and shake my head "so the boy I love loves me back? My brother is alive and I am on the run from my parents oldest friend? Ok. I'm ready to wake up now!"

Roman smirks and shakes his head "I'm sorry this happened to you."

I shrug and sit in the passenger side "you wasn't too know."

He laughs nervously and shrugs "I have a rough idea that Lewis was going to try something. That is why I left you that money?"

I scoff and shake my head "that was you?!" I nods agreeing and smile.

"I have been watching you over and the years so when I knew something was wrong and I overheard Lewis talking about you escaping so I left the money in hope that you would leave town." He looks at me and smiles softly.

"I wanted to see you so many times but I didn't want to risk getting caught and putting you in more danger." I smile softly and lean back "I'm just glad you are safe and ok."

I laugh nervously and shrug "so how did you even get away? I thought Lewis's sister killed you?" He scoffs and shrugs "that was the plan but she said she had a soft spot for me and gave me the opportunity to run."

I look towards the ground and scoff "Lewis told me that you was attacked by some gunmen who was in the wrong place."

He shrugs and smiles "he wanted me out the picture so he could take over the family business but they was never in my name."

He hands me a piece of paper "they was all yours." I look at it and smile "but if he thinks we are both dead then he will try take over?"

Roman shakes his head and hands me another piece of paper "Uncle Luca and Roman own the gym already so they are on the building names for the rest until we can go back."

I smirk and lean back "so you have thought of everything?" He nods firmly and smirks "being in hiding for 2 years leaves you thinking on the spot."

For the next half an hour we talk about everything. He talks about Lewis's siter and explains that she isn't like the rest of them.

I tell him about Ryland and his family's business. He smirks at me and shakes his head "we know how to pick them don't we?" I nod agreeing and smile "we sure do."

He shrugs and parks up by an old looking house "Ryland seems cool though? You can tell he is really into you."

I smirk and open the car door "which is why I didn't want to leave him behind?" He grabs my stuff and shrugs "someone has to take care of the business."

He heads inside and smiles "let's get you settled in."

The next two days go by with no word from anyone. No phone call, text message or even a letter. I start helping Roman fix the place back up to its beautiful glory.

After another two days we do the back yard shed "no more to the left!" I roll my eyes and hammer the wood into place "done!"

I get down from the ladders and hand him the hammer "If I ever have to use a hammer again it will be too soon."

He smirks and places the hammer in the toolbox "let's go."

He walks towards the house and looks at it "we done no bad."

I smile and shrug "we?!" I scoff and shove him "you painted one thing and spent the other 3 days in your room sleeping."

He rolls his eyes and looks at the shed door "and the freshly painted shed door is perfect!"

He smirks and wraps his arm around me "let's eat!"

After food he takes the plates away and washes them up "what do you want to do now?" I take a deep breath and shrug "I'm not sure."

I look around and smirk "you could always teach me some defence moves? Like what you used to do." He smirks and nods "ok."

He walks towards the back door and smiles "let's go then?"

I follow him outside and he grabs two guns from the shed "let's go."

I follow him as he walks towards the woods "I didn't mean with guns!"

I run after him as he walks deeper into the woods.

"Here." He hands me a gun and smirks "aim for that."

He nods towards a red cross on a tree a few feet away "what?"

He shrugs and smiles "you wanted to learn self-defence and the best way to do that is by being prepared to shoot someone."

I scoff and shake my head "iv shot someone before."

He shrugs and smiles "so shooting a tree should be no problem."

He nods towards the tree and smirks "go."

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