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I wake up when Lucky barks "shh!" I look up and see him looking at me "you want to go out?" He barks and I nod "ok."

I get up and look at Natalie still sleeping "shhh!" I look at Lucky and nod "let's go."

I stick my shoes on and open the bedroom door "you coming Meow?" He looks at me and yawns before jumping off the bed and running out the door after Lucky. I close the bedroom door behind me and head downstairs.

I look around as I walk towards the door we came in "Belle?" I jump and look over "did he wake you?" Ryland walks towards me shaking his head "no I was just unpacking the rest of your stuff."

I look in the direction he came from and see all our stuff "my wizard tech guy is here so he is scanning the stuff now for a bug." I smile and nod "ok."

I look towards Lucky and laugh nervously "I'm just going to take him out." He nods and strokes Lucky's head "want company?" I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

He waves towards the men behind him and grabs his car keys "I know the perfect place."

We get into his car and he drives towards the countryside.

I look out the window as the sun shines through it "did you and Natalie sleep well?" I nod and smile "we did thank you."

He smirks and nods firmly "good."

He hands me a box and grins at me "what is this?" He nods towards it and smiles "just a little thing to say sorry?"

I open the box and see a pair of keys "what is this?"
He hands me an envelope "I was house hunting and found 4 amazing house's?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "we only need one?" He rolls his eyes as I open the envelope "you can go view them and decide what one you and Natalie like better?" I laugh sarcastically and blush "you really didn't have to?" He smirks and shrugs "I know but I wanted to help since it was my fault in the first place."

I hug him and smile "thank you." He laughs nervously and kisses my forehead "you are welcome but remember I am still driving?" I laugh nervously and back off him "right, sorry."

He places his hand on top of mine and kisses it "you are welcome."

He stops at the side of a field and smirks "wait here."

He gets out the car and runs towards the gate and opens it "ready?" I shrug and laugh nervously "I don't know? Am I?" He nods firmly and drives into the field "we will soon see." 

He drives into the field and I spot a barn "let me guess?" I look at him and smirk "you own this?" She shakes his head "no but the farmer is family and he lets me come by here and help out."

I raise my eyebrow and he shrugs "It helps me relax and calms me down when I'm angry?" I laugh sarcastically and shake my head in disbelief "I can see how long grass and rabbits would help?"

He rolls his eyes and pulls up outside the barn "wait until we get inside."

I follow him into the barn and I hear farm animals as soon as he opened the doors "wow!"

I look around and see the place filled with baby farm animals "cute aren't they?" A lamb runs towards us and I stroke it's head "yes!"

Lucky runs around as 4 lambs and calves chase him "this isn't even the best part." He walks towards a barn stall and smiles "these 2 were born last night." I look in and see 2 baby ferrets "oh my god!"

I smile and instantly fall in love "they are the cutest!" He smirks and looks towards the door when it opens.

"Do want to feed them?" An older man walks in holding bottles "me?" He nods and hands me one "yeah." I nod and take it "sure."

Ryland smiles and looks at the man "Belle this is my grandfather's brother Monty." He opens the gate and I head inside and sit down "Ryland can I have a word?" Monty looks at Ryland and he nods firmly "sure."

He looks at me and smirks "be back in a second?" I nod nervously and smile "ok?"

He walks off and I keep the baby ferrets as they climb on and cuddle into me.

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