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An hour into my shift the place starts getting busy and I look at Alisha "why is the place getting so busy so early these days?" She laughs nervously and shrugs "no idea."

She walks towards me and smiles "but we have only opened for an hour and you have all these phone numbers."

She hands me a handful of numbers "you know what to do." She nods and smiles "on it." She walks towards the back and I serve the next customer.

"Hey beasty!" I look over and see Jason "where have you been?" She smiles and hands me his card "I was helping out my nephew moving into town."

He looks over and smiles "Belle this is my nephew David." A tall tanned beautiful boy walks towards me and smiles showing off these amazing white teeth "hi." I freeze trying to get a word out "hey."

I smile nervously and shake my head "what can I get yous?" He looks at Jason and smiles "two beers?" Jason nods and smiles "usual."

I nod agreeing and smile handing them two beers "first ones are on me." David smirks and holds his beer up "cheers."

They walk away and I take a deep breath opening my mouth "are you done drooling?" I look over and see Ryan "no."

I look back at him until he is out of sight "now I'm done."

I smirk and look at Ryan "what can I get you?" he shakes his head and scoffs "nothing."

He walks away and I shake my head "wait!" He walks towards VIP without looking back.

"Boyfriend trouble?" I look over at a girl and smile "you would think so but no he isn't my boyfriend, just friends." She smirks and looks at him "so is he free?" I shrug and walk towards him "he is a man slut but I guess so."

I give her a fake smile and shrug "what can I get you?" She shrugs and smiles "his name for a start?" I look over at VIP and smile "Nick."

She winks at me and smiles "thanks girl!"

She walks towards VIP and I shake my head smirking "anytime."

The next few hours I bin so many numbers that I need to change the bin. I walk towards the back and Alisha smirks "another?" I nod agreeing and place the bag down at the back "yip."

She looks me up and down "how much tip have you received?" I show her my tip jar with notes filled "this is my 4th full one."

She raises her eyebrow and whistles "where did you get that dress? I will need to get myself one." I smirk and shrug "not sure."

I stick the notes from my tip jar in my bag and wink at her "I will let you know though."

I walk back out and see David at the bar looking around. I see Emily walking towards him smiling "typical."

At 4AM James starts emptying the place "goodnight girls!" I wave at him and smile "night."

I pick up my bag and wave "night girls!" Alisha and Emily wave at me and smile "night."

I walk out the door and bump into David on the way out "hey!" I smile and laugh nervously "hi."

I shake my head and laugh nervously "did Jason forget his jacket again?" He shakes his head and smile "yeah."
I nod agreeing and smile "I will just grab it." He nods and smiles "thank you."

I run back inside and look around and spot the jacket "bingo!" I pick it up and walk back out "here you go." I hand him the jacket and he smiles "thank you."

He nods towards the door "want me to walk you out?" I shrug nervously and smile "sure."

We get outside and I look around for Sam's car "you need a ride home?" I shake my head and smile "my flat mate is coming to pick me up."

He nods and smiles "you want me to wait?" Before I can answer I feel a hand wrap around me "that's ok, I can wait with her."

I turn around and see Nick "on you go?!" I laugh nervously and shake my head "Nick this is one of my regulars nephews, he's ok."

Nick raises his eyebrows and nods "sorry." He looks at me and shrugs "can't be too careful after last night."

David smiles nervously "I should go." Nick shakes his head and holds his hand out "don't be silly, stay."

He looks at me and smiles "you need a lift?" I shake my head and smile "I'm waiting for Natalie."

I hear a car horn "and that will be her." I look over and see her car pull up.

She looks at David and smirks "well hi."

She gets out the car and laughs nervously fixing her hair "I don't believe we have met?" I smile and nod agreeing "this is Jason's nephew David." She giggles and blushes "well I love your uncle! Great man."

I roll my eyes and smile "David this is Natalie, Natalie this is David."

I get in the car and smile "she is working tomorrow night and yes she would love your number so get it off Jason and text her."

I nod agreeing and smile "can we go now?" David waves and smiles nervously "so I guess I will see you tomorrow." He walks away and I smile "come on Juliet I need food."

She gets in the car and I wave at Nick "bye!" He waves and walks towards his car "bye girls!"

Natalie smirks the full way home "so you like the look of David?" She coughs and laughs nervously "what makes you think that?" I shrug and smile as she pulls up "because you have smiled the full way home and keep looking at your phone?" She smiles and follows me towards the door "do you think he will text?" I nod agreeing and open the door.

I take my shoes off and nod "I think Jason is passed out drunk in bed and he won't give David your number until tomorrow so he won't text you till tomorrow. I say about an hour before he turns up at the club to leave it so he looks cool but not long enough so it's awkward when you see him again."

She takes a deep breath and nods "you are probably right." She waves and smiles "night." I wave and grab a bottle of water and leftover pasta before heading into my bedroom "night!"

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