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I get a taxi back too Rylands and manage to sneak into my room without seeing Nick.

I grab my suitcase and pack my stuff before grabbing my notebook.

I tear a sheet of paper out and grab my pen "Sorry I left early, staying at a hotel tonight so I don't need to face seeing Ryland bring that girl home and rub it in. See you tomorrow? Love B x."

I grab my suitcase and head into Natalie's room.

I place the note on her bed and walk out closing the door behind me.

"Let's go Lucky." I quietly and quickly walk out the front door and into my car.

I look online at hotels and I spot the new house keys "you fancy going hotel or should we go sleep at our new empty house?" Lucky barks and I smile "new house sounds good."

As we drive towards the new house I look at the clock as it turns 4.

I smile and look at Lucky "Natalie will just be leaving to go home."

I shake my head and laugh nervously "I wonder if she will even see the note or if she will be having too much fun with Nick?" Lucky puts his paw over his face "I know, sorry."

He licks my hand as I stroke him "where's your collar?" I look at his neck and realise his collar is missing "we can get it tomorrow I guess."

I pull up to the house and enter the gate code "home sweet home."

I grab my suitcase and blanket from the car and head inside with Lucky.

I look around the dark place and smile "I hope the lights work."

I flip the light switch and they turn on "that's something I guess."

I look at the sticky note attached to the alarm on the wall "alarm code is 170311. Welcome to your new home." I stick the node in and set up the alarm "let's go find a room to sleep in."

I grab my blanket and suitcase and head into my bedroom. I place my suitcase in the closet and open it "you go look around as I get changed?"

He barks and runs out the room. I take a deep breath and look around the empty room "home sweet home."

"Alisha?!" Natalie walks towards Alisha and laughs nervously "where is Belle?" Alisha smiles softly and shrugs "she wasn't feeling too good so she left about an hour ago."

Natalie rolls her eyes and looks at Ryland and the girl as they both leave the club together. "See you tomorrow!" Alisha waves as Natalie runs out the club and towards the food place.

She looks at her phone and smiles as she begins texting Belle. "Thank you." She takes her food and heads back into the street.

"Natalie!" She looks over and spot's Nick "where's Belle?" Nick looks around and Natalie laughs nervously "at home?" She gets into the car and raises her eyebrows "she left about an hour ago?" Nick shakes his head and smiles nervously "let's go back and check."

I walk downstairs in my pj's and house coat and see Lucky at the back door "you want to go out?" He barks and I turn on the back-yard light and unlock the door "on you go."

He runs out and I walk toward the kitchen "just don't go in the pool!" I hear a splash and I shake my head "too late."

I look out and see Lucky get out the pool and shake himself "I don't even have towel?"

I take a deep breath and he runs towards the back of the yard and does the toilet. I look around the kitchen closets and find a large furniture cover "this will need to do."

I look out the window and see Lucky run back in "come here boy!"

He runs over towards me and I dry him with the cover "good boy." I stroke his head before walking towards the back door and locking it.

I look at Lucky and smile "let's get some sleep."

I turn the back light off and head back into my new bedroom.

Natalie and Nick get home and she quickly runs into the house and towards my bedroom "she isn't here!"

Nick runs up and looks in "where is she then?" Natalie shakes her head and tries to ring me "no answer."

She shakes her head and looks at my stuff "it's all gone." She runs into her room and Nick spots the note "I'm going to kill him!"

Nick runs out the room and Natalie reads it "no, wait!" She runs after him but Nick had already punched Ryland in the face.

"What the hell?!" Nick points his finger in Rylands face "she is gone!"

Natalie runs over with the note "what?" Rylands face drops and he spots the note "where?" Natalie hands him it "hotel."

Ryland grabs it phone and tries ringing me "voicemail."

He looks at the girl and smiles nervously "you should leave."

Nick shakes his head and points in his face "if ANYTHING happens to her I will NEVR forgive you!"

Ryland looks at Natalie and nods "try ringing her and don't stop until she picks up!"

He runs out the door and Natalie follows "I'm coming with you!"

I grab a jumper from my suitcase and place it on the floor as Lucky lays down and falls sleep instantly "night boy."

I lay down and look at my phone and see 2 missed calls from Ryland and 3 text messages plus 6 missed calls from Natalie.

I read through the text messages as I lay on the floor "Alisha told me you left early cause you wasn't feel good? I will check on you when I'm home x." I smile softly and read the next one "just leaving the club, I got you some chips and curry sauce. See you soon x." I laugh nervously and shake my head "sorry N."

I read the next one and smile "where are you? I found your note. I'm heading back into town and coming to stay in the hotel with you so let me know which one? Love you x." I take a deep breath and click reply.

As I type out a message my phone rings and I see Rylands name so I click ignore.

I press back onto Natalie's next and smile "I'm ok, I have Lucky with me. I will see you tomorrow. Good night x."

I send the message and turn my phone off before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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