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I look at my phone as it rings and smile nervously "excuse me, it's my house mate." I answer the phone and smile nervously at Lewis.

"Hello?" I nod and smile "yeah I will be there as soon as I can!"

I grab my jacket and stand up "sorry to cut this date short but my flat mate just broke up with her boyfriend, you don't mind do you?" He stands up and smiles "of course not."

He grabs his jacket and holds his hand out "let me walk you outside and get you a taxi?" I smirk and nod agreeing "thank you."

As we walk outside I hear Lewis's phone vibrate "sorry it's work." I nod softly and he walks down the street as he answers the phone.

He nods and takes a deep breath "I will bring her in now." I overhear his conversation and quickly get into a taxi as it approached me "drive!"

I close the door behind me and the car speeds off as Lewis runs towards it. I take a deep breath as we get away from him and grab my phone,

I call Natalie back and sigh "what just happened?!"

As Natalie explains what happened I sit there in shock "I'm just pulling up now, open the gate."

I see the gate open and I nod at the driver "just up here."

He starts the car but looks down the street when he sees a large car speed towards us "shit!"

The driver gets out the car and quickly opens my door and drags me outside and we jump out the way as the car hits his.

He looks at me and shakes his head "are you ok?" I nod and look at his car in shock "are you ok?"

Ryland and Nick run down the hill holding guns "what happened?" I nod towards the cars crashed at the side of the road "is that your car?" The taxi driver nods and Ryland hands him a handful of money "this should cover for a new one."

The driver shakes his head and smiles "I'm good." He looks at me and rubs my shoulder "I'm just glad you are ok." I look at him and take a deep breath "thanks too you I am."

I take the envelope and place it in his hand "please, take it?" He nods and takes it "thank you."

Nick walks towards us and nods softly "do you want me to get a car for you?" the driver shakes his head and grabs his phone "I got it."

Ryland wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead "I'm so glad you are ok!"

I fall into his arms and smile "I'm ok."

I look at Natalie as she runs towards us "are you ok?"
She hugs me and I nod "I'm good."

She looks at the car as a man gets out "look out!" He holds a gun out but I quickly take Rylands gun from the back of his trousers and shoot the man in the arm sending him onto the floor.

I run towards him and kick the gun away from him "who are you?!" He tries to grab the bottom of my leg but I dodge his hand and kick him in the face "I said who are you?!"

A car pulls up and I stick my gun behind me "that will be my ride." The driver laughs nervously and waves "I saw nothing."

He gets into the car and it drives away. I look back at the man on the floor "pick him up and bring him to the back yard!"

I walk towards Natalie and wrap my arm around her "this night has took a turn for the worse."

We walk around the house closing the gate behind us and into the back yard.

Nick and Ryland bring him around and I grab his hair and pull it back "who are you?!"

Nick laughs nervously and shoves Ryland "she is more bad ass than you!"

I look at them and smirk "can yous give us a minute?" Ryland shakes his head and looks at him "no way!" He holds my hand and shake his head "I would never forgive myself if I left you and he manages to kill you second time." I smirk and shake my head "he won't get the chance." He looks at the man and takes a deep breath "fine but I will be right in there, watching and listening!" I nod agreeing and smile "thank you."

They all walk inside and I look at the guy and kick him "who sent you!" He coughs up blood and holds his hand up "fine!" He looks at me and grins "it was Lewis."

I shake my head and look at the house. He wipes the blood from his mouth and nods "he wants you dead and won't stop!"

I look towards Ryland and shake my head "there must be a reason he is going through all this trouble?" The man looks at me and raises his eyebrow "what?" I shake my head and scoff "never mind."

I hold the gun at him and scoff "why did Duncan stick a bug in my dogs collar and doing all this?" He nods towards the house and smirks "because you was getting close to the enemy." He stands up and smirks "now my turn!"

He runs towards me and I shoot him in the chest without hesitation.

I stand there shocked still holding the gun "Belle?!" Ryland runs out and catches me as I fall to the ground "it's ok."

My whole body feels numb as I fall into his arms. I look at the body as it lays in there not moving "I killed him?" Ryland moves my face into his chest "let's get you inside and cleaned up."

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