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I look towards the CCTV and see Lewis run out the club as Natalie closes up "Natalie?!"

I run towards the door pulling in and screaming from the top of my lungs but she doesn't hear me.

I run towards the back door and shove the door but it doesn't budge "help!"

I look at the phone but the wire was already destroyed.

As the fire gets closer to me and Lucky I look around "come on!"

I grab a chair and start hitting the door with it "break!"

I start coughing and eventually my whole body starts going weak "no!"

I smack the door three more times but my body gives in with the smoke and I fall to the ground.

"Lucky?" I look over and stroke his head "my good boy."

He licks my face and that is the last thing I remember before seeing blackness.

As Lewis and his two friends wait in the car one of them nods towards Ryland "are you not going to attack tonight?" Lewis smirks and shakes his head "him grieving the loss of Belle will be a good torture for him."

He looks at his friend and smirks "he will come looking for us."

He nods towards James in the back seat "now get him out and leave him here."

The man in the back nods agreeing and flings James out into the street "let's go."

The car drives off as Natalie walks outside the club locking the door smiling.

She smiles at Nick and Ryland outside waiting already "ready?"

They nod and walk towards the staff car park "did Belle leave already?"

Natalie shakes her head and grabs her car keys "she is in with a client."

Ryland raises his eyebrow and stops "at this time?" Natalie shrugs and scoffs "she said she was an important client? Mrs Henderson or something she said? I've never heard of her but then again I never done the books."

She laughs nervously and Ryland shakes his head "Mrs Henderson? Are you sure?!" Natalie nods agreeing and Ryland runs towards the club.

"Why?" Natalie and Nick runs after him and they run back into the club.

Lucky barks and runs towards them "what is that smell?" Ryland shakes his head in disbelief "fire!"

He runs towards the office and see's the fire "Belle?!"

He covers his mouth and kicks the door in.

He spots me on the floor unconscious "I got you." He picks me up and carries me out smiling "I got you."

I wake up in a hospital bed and see my Uncle Roman sleeping on the chair beside me "hey?!"

He jumps up and looks at me "your awake?" I nod and smile "I'm awake."

I shake my head and look at my bandage hand "what happened?" He stands up and sits beside me "Lewis tried burning the club down with you and Lucky inside."

I look around and shake my head "where's Lucky?" Roman laughs sarcastically and shakes his head "dogs are not usually aloud in hospitals? He is at home and he is ok, ok?"

I nod firmly and lay back "what happened to Lewis?" Roman shakes his head and scoffs "you just worry about getting some rest."

I shake my head and get out bed "no!"

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