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I run out the door and Natalie follows me closing the door behind her "Lewis is here? Why is Lewis here?!"

I shrug and walk towards the bar door "I don't know. He came to me earlier looking for Ryland so this can't be good?"

She nods firmly and smiles "I will get Ryland out and you sort out Lewis?" I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

I open the door for the bar and quickly walk towards VIP avoiding Ryland.

I look at James standing at the VIP door "don't let anyone else in."

He nods agreeing and stands in front of the door when it closes behind me.

I take a deep breath and walk towards Lewis sitting at the back holding up two glasses "not the person I was expecting but you can stay and watch if you like?"

I raise my eyebrow and shake my head "no. You need to leave, now!"

He smirks and looks towards the door "there he is!"

Lewis stands up and I look over and see Ryland trying to push past James "now this is a party."

He drinks the whiskey left in his glass and walks towards me smirking "let's go!"

He grabs the back of my hair and walks towards Ryland.

Ryland shakes his head and shouts "no!" James looks over and opens the door "let her go!"

Lewis shrugs "happily."

He nods towards Ryland and smiles "only if you take her place."

Ryland nods agreeing "yes, take me!"

I shake my head and look at Ryland "no!"

He avoid eye contact me with as he walks slowly towards us "take me."

Lewis pulls a gun out and aims it at me "I thought yous wasn't speaking?"

Ryland takes a deep breath and shakes his head "we wasn't but she is still my person."

My heart drops and I smile "barf!"

Lewis grabs my hair tighter and pulls us back "stay there!"

Ryland stops and nods "ok."

I roll my eyes and fling my head back hitting Lewis's nose "you know how much I HATE when people touch my hair?!"

I grab the gun and point it at him "get him out of my sight!"

James grabs him and walks out the staff door at the back of the VIP.

I take a deep breath and walk towards a booth and sit down "are you ok?"

I nod agreeing and smile at Ryland "so I'm your person?" I smile softly and shrugs "you are the only person I can tolerate for more than a day."

I roll my eyes and stand-up "I should get back to work."

I walk towards the door but Ryland grabs my hand "so are we ok?" I shrug and smile "as friends we are ok."

He kisses me and smirks "and what if I said I don't want to be just friends?" I smirk and walk towards the door "then I would say it will take a dozen roses from Mr Henderson's garden."

He smirks and shrugs "done."

I wave at him as I walk towards the door and back into the office.

Natalie walks in and smiles "are you ok?"

I nod agreeing and take a deep breath "James took Lewis away."

She nods firmly and smiles "I saw. What is he doing with him?" I shrug and take a deep breath "no clue."

She smiles softly and strokes Lucky's head "probably best if you don't know."

I nod agreeing and hand her the beer list "can you do a stock count?" She takes a pen and the paper smiling "of course."

She walks towards the door and close it behind her.

I take a deep breath and look back at the laptop "now where was I."

I start writing down more stock when I see the door open "done already?"

I look up and see Lewis smirking at me "not yet."

He locks the door and smiles "miss me?" Lucky barks at him but he rolls his eyes "shut that thing up before I shoot it!"

I grab Lucky back and stroke his head "its ok boy."

He stops barking and I look back at Lewis "happy?" He smirks and sits down "very."

I shake my head and sit down "what do you want?" He shrugs and points a gun at me "the same thing I came here for, Ryland."

I scoff and shake my head "Ryland has left." He nods towards the CCTV and smirks "are you sure about that?" I look over and see Ryland and Nick in the VIP area on the phone.

"I won't let you hurt him!" He shrugs and stands up "you think you can stop me?!" Someone knocks the door and he nods "get rid and if you even think about screaming for help I will shoot your dog!"

I nod nervously and walk towards the door "who is it?" I look at the CCTV and see Natalie "it's me? I brought that stock check list back."

I take a deep breath and shake my head "I'm with Mrs Henderson an important client right now right now so just keep onto it and I will speak when I'm finished up here?"

She laughs nervously and shakes her head "ok?" I look back at the CCTV and see her walk away.

Lewis points the gun towards the chair and nods "sit!"

I walk towards it and sit down "where was we?" He smirks and shrugs "oh I remember, you thinking you could stop me from killing Ryland."

He looks at his phone and smirks "well it's a good job that you won't be around to stop me this time."

His phone rings and he answering smiling as he places it on speaker "we are here."

I look at the CCTV and see two men reverse a car towards the back door blocking it. "Would love to stay and tell campfire stories but I have bigger fish to fry."

He empties a bottle of gas over the place and lights it "happy roasting."

He closes and locks the door behind him leaving me and Lucky trapped in the fire.

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