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a month later, the couple was still going strong (and they ended up not using condoms again. they didnt throw them away, they just...forgot they existed in the bottom drawer of the nightstand). life was normal, everything was going great.

ashton had already got up and left for work (the older boy usually got up at 6am every morning, even if he didnt have to. it agitated calum. he didnt know how ashton could get up so early and be happy about it).

now, calum was fortunate enough to work from home. so he usually didnt wake up til about nine, and he put his work hours from ten to six, monday through thursday. that way, ashton and calum spent the weekends at home, enjoying each others company.

it was currently thursday, five o'clock, and calum was excited. ashton would be home in an hour, and he was bringing home food.


calum had had a craving for a burger, so ashton decided to hold off on making dinner, and to just pink up some burgers. calum, of course, couldnt say no to that. so, he busies himself with working for the last hour, and when it gets to be ten til six, his nerves start to get the best of him.

calum really wanted that burger and fries. like, really wanted it. if ashton somehow didnt get burgers, and got something else, calum knows he would cry about it.

is that how my life is going? calum thinks, crying over a burger? well...i deserve it. so, yes. it's okay to cry over a burger.

once he gets lost in his thoughts, he doesnt come back out until the front door is opening.

"ASHTON!" calum yells, running out of his office and to the front door. ashton giggles, gently kicking the door closed behind him.

"are you that happy to see me?" ashton asks, walking into the kitchen. he sets the bag of food down, and then sets his keys next to it.

"no, im nust hungry," calum says, already grabbing the bag. he feels his mouth overload with saliva, which he doesnt even care about. he's ready to smash that burger.

"you're ridiculous. take it to the family room and put netflix on. i'll grab drinks."

"i love you!" calum yells out, shoving a fry in his mouth as he rushes into the family room. he sets the bag on the coffee table, and grabs the remote.

"is soda okay?" ashton calls out.

"fuck yes!" calum calls back, deciding to put riverdale on. ashton hums, and after another minute he walks into the room, holding two cups of soda.

"thank you," calum says, grabbing the food out of the bag. he passes it out, and then they start to eat as the show plays.

calum basically devours his sandwich and fries.

"damn," ashton says, swallowing another bite of his burger, "did you even taste it?"

calum just pouts, and looks at ashton.

"here," ashton sighs, handing calum his half eaten burger.

calum squeals, "thank you, ashy! i love you!"

with a sloppy kiss to ashtons cheek, calum smiles before starting to finish ashtons burger. ashton frowns, watching calum.

it was so unusual. calum had a hard time finishing his own burger, and now he's eating half of another one? ashton wasnt going to ask calum about it now, but he kept it in the back of his mind.

ashton watches as calum finishes his burger, and then drinks some of his soda.

"you good, cal?"

"yeah, thank you ashy."

they cuddle up, and watch the show. after one episode goes by, calum gently nudges him and pouts.

"what is it, calum?"

"i want ice cream."


"can you pretty please get some for me?"

"why can't you get it yourself?"

calum just pouts more, "please, ashy? i'll give you a blowjob."

ashton doesnt answer. he just rolls his eyes, and stands up.

"i love you so much," calum calls out, watching ashton walk to the kitchen.

"i love you too," ashton says, not so loudly. he works on getting calum the ice cream he wanted, while thinking about how calums stomach might be turning into an endless pit.

"here you go," ashton says, handing calum a bowl with three scoops of vanilla ice cream.

"thank you," calum says, a smile on his face as he starts to eat the ice cream. ashton cant focus on the show. he just watches calum eat all the ice cream.

yeah, he's definitely going to ask calum about his eating later.


cal be hungry
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