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calum is standing behind paxton, holding his little hands as he helps paxton walk over to ashton.

"you're doing so good, paxie! so good!" ashton exclaims, holding his arms out, waiting for paxton.

"aaa!" paxton squeals, taking quicker steps towards ashton. calum smiles, lets go of paxtons hands, and lets paxton run the rest of the way to ashton. and, he doesn't fall.

"you're learning so quick, baby," ashton says, picking paxton up off his feet. the baby sqeuals happily, and starts grabbing and pushing at ashtons cheeks.

the sight makes calum giggle.

"i wanna play with your cheeks," calum pouts. ashton purses his lips, and crosses his eyes, making paxton laugh happily.

"only if i can play with your cheeks," ashton mumbles with a wink, turning back to paxton afterwards. the baby is extremely happy to be playing with his daddies.

"hey, you wanna go back to dada?" ashton asks, pointing to calum. calum smiles widely, opens his arms, and crouches down a bit.

"paxie, baby, come to dada!"

"go, go get dada!" ashton says, making paxton scream and jump up in down in happiness a couple times. then, paxton is running over to calum.


"paxie!" calum says happily, scooping the baby up in his arms, "look at you, running all over the place!"

"soon enough he's gonna be doing more than running around and causing trouble," ashton says, going over to calum, "he'll be telling us no soon, and he'll be throwing tantrums."

"oh, no he wont," calum says, smiling at paxton, "you're gonna stay my baby, huh? you're never gonna cause any trouble. never."

"well, since he already looks like you, if he has a tantrum like you i guess i'll know how to handle him," ashton says with a chuckle.

"what? you'll spank him?" calum asks, turning to ashton.

"no, i only spank you. i'll give paxton food."

calum gasps, "thats not fair. how come you never gave me food after you spanked me?"

"cause your legs were usually over my shoulders."

"okay, no more of that talk in front of paxie!" calum says, turning back to the babbling baby, "you hungry, paxton? huh? is that tummy of yours wanting some nanas?"

"aaa!" paxton squeals, "aaa!"

"thats my baby boy," calum says, bouncing paxton a bit as he takes him to the kitchen, "always wanting to eat some nanas."

"i'll get them, love," ashton says, going over to the counter, "go sit down with paxton."

"okay, thanks babe," calum says, sitting down on a kitchen chair with paxton on his lap. ashton gets the banana all mushed up, and then sets the small bowl of nanas with a spoon in front of calum.

"oh, yes, here we go," calum says, getting a little bit of the mashed up banana on the spoon. paxton watches, still in utter happiness, and opens his mouth when calum brings the spoon closer to him.

ashton watches with a smile as calum feeds him all the mashed up banana.

"dadas good boy," calum says, setting the spoon down in the empty bowl, "that make your tummy feel better?"

paxton just looks at calum with a smile, and then proceeds to start playing with calums cheeks.

"yeah," ashton says with a nod, "he's definitely a daddys boy."

"im a daddy boy too," calum giggles, smiling when paxton claps his chubby cheeks a couple times, then proceeds to laugh about it.

"i know you are," ashton mumbles, watching as paxton and calum laugh happily with each other, "my miracle boys."


the end
love u!

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