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the next day, calum is fever free for over three hours, and pretty much on track to his normal health self again. both of them were extremely relieved (ashton thought he might have to take calum to the hospital, and calum was just extremely tired of feeling the way that he did).

so, when calum was doing better, it was a good sign.

"alright, love," ashton says, setting a plate of toast down calums lap, "go ahead and eat this. if you can keep it down, i'll make something less plain for you for dinner."

"did you make the tea too?" calum asks, grabbing the piece of toast off of the plate.

"i did, but i forgot it in the kitchen."

calum giggles, "silly boy."

"nope, im not a silly boy. that's you. now eat up," ashton says, turning on his heels. he doesn't let calum respond since he makes his way back to the kitchen, where the cup of hot tea sat on the counter. ashton hums softly as he grabs it, and takes it back to calum.

ashton loved paxton with his whole heart. he loved his baby to the moon and back...but sometimes, having these little moments with just calum...ashton wouldn't trade them for the world.

it was nice, just being with calum sometimes. they needed to keep their bond together as well. of course, paxton kept them together as well. he was a creation of the love they shared.

ashton still wouldnt be able to thank the moon enough, for letting them create life. everything was a miracle and ashton wasn't going to let life slide by him anymore.

all this thinking has ashton more quiet. calum can see that when ashton hands him the warm cup.

"hey, bear," calum whispers, nudging ashtons side after ashton sat next to him, "whatcha thinking about?"

ashton rests his hand on calums thigh, "you."

"me?" calum whispers, taking a sip of his tea, "why me? im right here if you want something, bear."

calum winks, making ashton smile.

"no, not like that," ashton says, a blush on his cheeks, "im just...i just love you. im thankful for everything we have."

calum blushes, "awe, bear, i love you too."

ashton squeezes calums thigh. they sit in silence for a bit, just enjoying each other's company. calums leaning against ashton as he slowly sips at his tea, and ashton just keeps his hand on calums thigh.

"you know," calum says after a bit, setting the empty cup down on the nightstand, "i can't imagine my life with anyone else. you've been my forever since day one. and, i know this is cliché and i know that i've said this before but, i will never ever be able to express just how much i love you. you're my other half, my rock, and...my heart belongs to you."

ashton sniffs, "and my heart, to you."

calum swings his leg over ashtons lap, so he's straddling ashtons lap, and gently presses his lips to ashtons.

"i love you," calum whispers against ashtons lips, slowly wrapping his arms around ashtons neck.

"i love you too," ashton whispers, tightening his hold on calums hips. they connect their lips again, and with every swipe of their lips, there's more and more love brought up on the surface.

they didn't want to go any farther. sometimes, they just needed to be close to each other, with clothes on.

they kiss until they can't breathe anymore. then, calum lays his forehead on ashtons, and they rub their noses together. they smile, all happy and in love, just like when they were eighteen and felt this strong feeling that they didn't was love just yet.

they stay tangled up together for the rest of the afternoon, until luke and mike bring paxton back.


cuties in love
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