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"all of you, calm down!" ashton says, zipping up his pants. calum wobbles on his own two shaking legs before reaching out and balancing himself out on ashtons shoulder. a horrified luke and michael still stood across from them, with a (luckily) still sleeping paxton, all comfortable in his stroller.

it was extremely awkward and tension filled.

"i heard, i literally heard the popping noise when your wet dick slide out," michael says, horrified, "and you want me to calm down?"

"you guys couldn't of gone to the bedroom?" luke asks, his face flushed, "you knew we would be gone an hour."

calum huffs, "don't be jealous because i get dick."

"calum, is that come running down - fuck, hell no, luke lets go," michael gasps, desperately grabbing at lukes bicep. poor paxton is still sleeping away in his stroller, and calum blushes because he can feel the warm come running down his thighs.

"go clean up," ashton sighs after their front door shuts, "i'll get paxton into bed."

calum nods, "yeah, i-i'll change."

calum rushes up to their room, since ashtons come was dripping down his thighs and the last thing that he wanted to happen was for the come to get on some of the carpet and then stain it. that would be fun to try and cover up.

calum can hear ashton settling paxton down in his crib as he...cleans himself up, and then dresses down in some lounge pants and one of ashtons hoodies.

then, he quietly tip toes over to paxtons room. ashton was singing to paxton, and there was nothing more beautiful in the world then ashtons voice (at least, that's what calum thought).

so, calum leans against the doorway with a smile on his face as he watches the older boy sing to their sleeping baby.

"my baby, my little little baby, i'll love you for the rest of my life," ashton sings softly. once ashton finished, he places a soft kiss to paxtons head.

"you really need to sing more."

ashton jumps, and turns around to look at calum who was smiling all happily.

"you scared me!" ashton gasps, holding a hand to his chest. calum giggles, and walks over to ashton.

"i I was just admiring your voice, love," calum whispers, " your beautiful, beautiful voice. i love you and i love your voice so much."

"no, don't get all sappy on me now," ashton chuckles, making calum giggle as he bit his lip and looked up to ashton.

"can i have a kiss?"

"do you even have to ask?"

"hmm, no," calum whispers, then pecks at ashtons lips, "are we going to go to bed soon? im kind of tired and i bet you are too."

"yes, pumpkin."


"yes. i don't know, pumpkin just felt right."

"you're ridiculous," calum giggles, gently sliding one of his hands into ashton's, and easily intertwining their fingers.

"probably," ashton whispers. they walk together out of paxtons room, all happy and in love (and not at all bothered by the fact that their friends caught them in the act basically).

which, these other two boys are completely horrified for the rest of the night and the next couple days.

"lay down, silly," ashton says, nodding to their bed. calum jumps on the bed, rolls on his back, and bites his lip as he watches ashton strip down to his boxers.

"take a picture, it'll last longer," ashton says, making sure to sound extra sassy as he pulls up a pair of lounge pants.

"i don't need a picture when i get to see that every night," calum says, giving one of those ridiculous head nods to ashton, who just rolls his eyes.

ashton crawls in bed next to his lover, and they curl up together under their blankets. the sun had set, the day had been filled with love and happiness, and their small little household was just filled with so much love.

sleep comes easy to them, and it stays peaceful the whole night (until paxton wakes them up because he needed changed and fed).


there we go
comments? predictions?
love u!

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