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three weeks later, and ashton couldnt get calum into any other doctor. with each day passing, it made him more worried. cause when calum got sick, it was way worse then the last time he was sick. so, he opted for the only choice he had.

take him back to his original doctor he saw the first time, and see if that doctor can determine anything. ashton also made sure to make the appointment at a time where he could also go, and talk to the doctor as well. so, while calum was taking one of his half an hour sick naps, ashton decided to call.

"could you do tomorrow at nine?"

"nine in the morning, correct?" ashton asks the lady, clicking his pen so he was ready to write it down.

"yes, sir. tomorrow morning at nine."

"yeah, we can do that. thank you," ashton says, writing down nine am on the piece of paper sloppily.

"alright, see you tomorrow at nine am, sir. have a good day!"

"you too, thank you so much," ashton says, and ends the call. a sigh escapes his lips as he tosses the phone down, and rubs his eyes. it was such a long and hard process, trying to find a doctor that could take a look at him, since most the nurses just told ashton to take him to his normal doctor since "it just sounds like the flu." the flu my ass, ashton would hiss to them.

fortunately, calums doctor was able to squeeze him in tomorrow.

ashton got up, and made his way up to the bedroom, knowing it was about time for calum to wake up. the older boy makes sure to stay quiet as he walked into the room, and slowly sat down on the edge of the bed.

as soon as ashton sat down, he could feel the bed shaking from calum.

"hey, baby?" ashton asks worriedly, gently tugging the blanket down past calums face.

"a-ashy," calum hiccups, his eyes red and droopy, probably from the lack of proper sleep.

"what's wrong, baby?"

'm cold, ash. so cold," calum whimpers. ashton just sighs, lays next to calum, and brings the boy against his chest.

"did you at least sleep decent?"

"yeah," calum groans, curling his body against ashton, "my headache is gone. but i can't stop shivering."

"your fever broke, again," ashton says, gently kisses his head, "while you were asleep i called your doctors office. you have an appointment tomorrow morning at nine. im going with you." 

calum sleepily smiles, "okay, ash. i love you."

"i love you too, baby. did you want me to put a movie on?"

"i don't want you to get up, though."

"okay, fine. we'll just cuddle."


"here, can you hold the bucket?"

"yeah, hurry-"

ashton gets the bucket just under calum in time for the small boy to start emptying his stomach into it...not that there was much in his stomach anyway, his stomach was still rejecting anything and everything.

calum only gags a couple times, then it's all over and he's looking at ashton with watery eyes.

"come on, love," ashton says softly, "we need to go inside or you're going to end up late."

"w-what about the bucket?"

"here," ashton says, taking the bucket from calum. he grabs calums hand with his other free hand, and leads them up to the front doors. before they walk in, ashton just tosses the bucket into the trashcan.

calum squeezes ashtons hand, and stays half behind him, and half to the side of him as ashton checks them in.

"calum hood?"

ashtons head whipped to the door, surprised that calums getting called as soon as they checked in. it made ashton feel better, though, cause the sooner they got looked at, the sooner the doctor could give them answers.

"come on, love," ashton hums softly. they follow the nurse, doing the normal pre check up things before they got to a private room. ashton makes calum sit on the bed as he sits on a chair by the bed.

"so, what was his temperature again?" ashton asks, watching the nurse type away.

"one hundred and one point seven," she says, and then turns to them, "the doctor has been waiting, so im not gonna waste anymore of you're time. he'll be in momentarily."

"thank you," both calum and ashton say at the same time. once the door shuts, calum turns to ashton.

"i don't want them to take more blood, ashy," calum whines.

"you're gonna let them do whatever it takes to see what's wrong with you, yeah?"

calum just frowns, and nods.

he wasnt ready to see the doctor again, but he hoped there would be more answers then last time.


anyone have any predictions on what the doctors gonna do next chapter?
love u!

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