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ashton sat in the waiting room for six hours before the doctor came out into the waiting room, and motioned for ashton to follow him. ashtons own heartbeat still was loud in his own ears, along with the ringing noise. the boy could also feels his knees shaking with every step, matching his shaky hands, most likely to do all the anxiety swimming around inside of him.

ashton didnt know what to expect. which, the thought alone made more anxiety and nervousness flow into his bloodstream. all ashton knew...the walk with the doctor to calums room felt longer than the six hour wait.

"where are we headed?" ashton asks, following the doctor into the elevator.

"third floor."

"isnt the third floor the...the um..?"

"the ICU. intensive care unit."

ashton almost chokes on his own spit. the ICU? that made ashtons anxiety increase. obviously, something was seriously wrong with calum. all of the worst scenarios started to fill ashtons head. had the baby died? was calum hanging onto his life by a thread?

ashton was barely holding onto his sanity by a thread. he just wanted to see calum, and he wanted to be reassured that his boyfriend and baby were both okay.

"okay, here's his room," the doctor says, stopping in front of room number seventeen. ashton gulps.

"so, what's...what's wrong?" ashton asks, his voice just as shaky and weak as he is. the problem was, ashton wasn't so sure he wanted to know. since they were here, standing in front of calums room, ashton was just...there was too many emotions swirling around inside himself. he couldnt figure out which one was which.

"well," the doctor says, clearing his throat, "first off, the baby actually moved a bit, and managed to wrap the umbilical cord around itself. that made calum feel a lot of pain since the fetus itself was in pain from the cord."


"next thing, which really is the big thing...calum is twenty six weeks pregnant. im not exactly sure why this is happening now but...calums body is rejecting the fetus."

"what-what do you mean? rejecting the fetus?" ashton stutters, his heartbeat starting to beat faster. anxiety quickly started to make it's way up ashtons spine. rejecting? where...where would that go? what would that mean for calum and the baby?

"calums body is producing antibodies that are going against the fetus. in better words, calums own body is trying to kill the fetus."

"oh." ashton says, and then opens his mouth to ask question after question, but the doctor holds up his hand to stop him.

"we've got him on plenty of fluids, keeping him hydrated. we've also got him on three different medicines. one will kill the antibodies, one will give the fetus more nutrients, and the other one will create antibodies to protect the fetus. now, granted, calum most likely will not leave the hospital until he has the baby. we're in the last fighting stage now."


"yes, the last stage. calum will most likely have this baby within the next four to six weeks. if we risk taking calum out of the hospital now, then it's going to he harder for calums body to fight these antibodies on his own. the survival rate for them both is higher as they stay in the hospital."

"will calum have to stay in the ICU the whole time?" ashton asks softly.

"no. only until his levels are more stable and we can get the fetus back into a more normal position. then he'll be released from the ICU."

"okay," ashton sighs softly, "thank you so much. i can see him, right? he's awake?"

"of course. he's awake, and he's fine. he might seem a little off, or out of it, and that's just the medicine. let me know if either of you need anything, okay?"

"yes. thank you so much."

"you're welcome. go be with your boy and your baby. they need you."


oop. what are we feeling?
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