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calums completely passed out on the couch, drooling onto a pillow as the tv plays quietly in the background. ashton stands by him, a smile on his face, as he looks at calum.

calum had just told ashton twenty minutes ago that he wasn't tired. so, ashton said he would change paxton, and then put him down for a nap, since it was around his nap time. after that, they agreed to have some alone time.

ashton was really excited to just curl up in bed with calum, or even get under the sheets if that's the direction calum wanted to go. looking at calum, and how fast asleep he was...ashton couldn't contain himself.

there was now several pictures of a sleeping calum on ashtons phone (calum would never know anyway). then, ashton slowly slides his arms under calums body.

ashton figured if calum was going to sleep for a couple hours, it mine as well be in their bed. once ashtons got an arm under the backsides of calums knees, and another arm under his back, he slowly starts lifting the smaller boy.

calum whimpers, and slowly opens his eyes to loom at ashton.

"shh," ashton whispers, "go to sleep."

calum closes his eyes, without any arguing, and goes back to sleep.

ashton carries calum with ease to bed, and then tucks him in. with a soft kiss to calums head, and a silent promise to return later, ashton slips out of the room.


"calum, sweetie? wake up."

calum groans, and leans into those lips kissing at his neck. it felt so good to him.

"are you awake?"

"yeah, i am," calum giggles, opening his eyes. ashton was above him, smiling and bright-eyed.

"i have a surprise for you," ashton whispers, nodding towards the door, "come with me."

"a surprise?" calum says, sitting up a bit.

"yes, now come on silly," ashton says, pulling calum out of bed.

"is paxton okay?" calum asks, trailing behind ashton, "has he been fed recently?"

"he was up for an hour like, half an hour ago. i changed him, he ate, and then he proceeded to fall back asleep. now relax for me, baby."

"okay, ashy," calum says, biting his lip. the closer they got to the kitchen, the stronger the smell of food got. then...

"oh my god," calum whispers, tears clouding his eyes as he looks at the set up. there was three candles in the middle of the table. two wine glass sat in front of two plates, that had yummy looking pasta on them. there was also a bottle of wine, right by one of their plates.


"do you like it?"

calum turns around, and brings ashton in for a passionate kiss.

"i love it," calum whispers against his lips once they pull back to breath. ashton smiles, and places another soft kiss to calums lips.

"im glad, now let's eat."

ashton pulls the chair out for calum, who blushes and watches as ashton sits down across from him.

"did you make this?" calum asks, watching ashton closely as ashton pours some wine into their cups.

"the pasta, yes. the wine, no," ashton says, giggling.

"smart ass," calum grumbles, twirling his fork in the plate of pasta. the first bite has him moaning at how good it was.

pasta was one of calums favorite dishes.

they eat in a comfortable silence (calum won't admit how hungry he was. it was so good, he ended up having two plates). by the time they finished, cleaned up, and put the leftovers away, calum felt like he could fall asleep again.

"you know," calum starts, cuddling next to ashton on the couch, "if we didn't have a baby sleeping upstairs, i totally would've bent over the kitchen island and let you hit it all night long."

ashton rolls his eyes fondly, "what, you can't be quiet?"

"not when your cock stretches me out so good," calum whispers, kissing at ashtons neck.

"you cant say shit like that, and then not expect me to come one way or another."

"i can blow you?"



haha sucks 4 u
anyway, yay or nay for next chapter?
love u!

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