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ashton was stressed.

not only was calum sick, paxton also wasn't feeling good. the baby was running a bit of a fever, and he had a cough and a runny nose. calum had a fever, and was also bed ridden with a migraine and sore throat. taking care of them both really shot ashton down.

it was a lot of work, taking care of two sick boys.

ashton had just carefully cleaned paxtons nose, changed his diaper, and fed him some apple sauce with some medicine mixed in. then, within minutes of the medicine starting to work, paxton was fast asleep in his arms.

the nice thing, at least, was the fact that both of them slept more since they were sick. so, after ashton laid paxton down in his crib, he made sure the baby monitor was on before he left the room.

ashton immediately went to his room, where  calum laid sick, to check on him.

maybe if ashton was lucky, he would get to squeeze a nap in before either of his boys woke up.

ashton pressed the back of his hand to calums forehead, and frowned. calum was still burning up. yet, calum was still fast asleep with his loud snores echoing the room. ashton felt so bad for calum. he know that it hurt to swallow, and his nose was always more clogged after he blew his nose, and being bed ridden with the cold was simply not fun.

ashton brushed some of calums hair away from his eyes, then left his room.

all ashton wanted to do was curl up next to calum, and hold him against his chest, but ashton needed to keep distance between them, that way he could also take care of paxton.

the baby was more easy to take care of then calum, which was weird...yet again calum could be high maintenance so it didn't surprise ashton too much.

as ashton laid on the couch, he let his body relax immediately against the soft cushions. he was fast asleep in no time.


when ashton woke up again, it was to the cries of calum. it took ashton a couple seconds to realize that calum was crying, but as soon as he realized it he was up off the couch.

ashton ran to his room, and gasped when he saw calum. the poor boy was choking and gasping on his own cries. he was extremely pale, had sweat stains all over, dark bags under his eyes...and had throw up running down his chin.

there was also bile on the sheets. ashton frowned.

"a-ashy," calum rasps out, and ashton barely even heard it since calums voice was almost completely gone.

"hey, im here sweet pea," ashton says softly, "lets get you in a bath, yeah? i need to clean you up."

"i-im so t-tired."

"its alright, i got you," ashton whispers, pulling the blankets off of calums body. once calums whole body isn't under the covers, ashtons eyes got to the wet spot on calums boxers and the bedsheets. calum, still pale, blushes and starts to cry.

"i-im so sorry," calum rasps out, "i-it just happened a-and-"

"hey, shh," ashton says, lifting calum up, "its okay, calum. i promise. now please just relax and let me get a bath going for you."

ashton carries calum to the bathroom, and strips him of his soiled clothes before setting him on the toilet. then, ashton starts a warm bath for calum.

while he waits for it to fill, he grabs out the thermometer and has calum put it under his tongue. calum just looks up to ashton with the saddest face ever as he keeps it in his mouth.

ashton wished he could take his sickness away and make him one-hundred percent again, but he knew this flu had to take its course.

the thermometer beeps, so ashton gently takes it and reads the small screen.

"one-hundred and two point seven," ashton says with a sigh, "okay, we're gonna take a bath, i'm gonna change the sheets, then when im done im gonna come back for you and get you. then, once you're dressed, you're gonna take some medicine and lay back down, okay?"

"pl-please, don't leave me," calum whimpers, desperately grabbing at ashtons hand, "dont wanna b-be alone."

ashton sighs, "okay, i won't leave. but that means you'll have to lay on the couch then, okay?"

"o-okay, ashy."

ashton nods, and then helps calum into the bath, hoping that some of the warm water might clear up calums respiratory system. then, right as ashton kneeled down next to the bathtub, paxtons cries echoed the house.

it was going to be a long day for ashton.


poor babies
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