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"i-im scared!" calum cries out, looking at his fiancé who was stationed next to the bed, wearing a mask, gloves, and a hospital gown.

"hey, its all gonna be okay," ashton says softly, smiling under the mask, "aren't you ready to see our precious baby?"

calum just nods, and looks up at ashton with his pouty lips and big, brown eyes. the nurses had connected calum to an IV an hour ago. the medicine that was flowing through calums veins was purposely meant for calum to be awake, but to not feel anything. it had just kicked in twenty minutes ago. now they were waiting for the doctors to finish getting their tools ready.

the doctor had explained how a c-section would be better since the baby wouldn't be coming out of a regular vaginal pathway, and the baby could get stuck, or calum wouldn't properly dilate the full ten centimeters. so, they quickly all agreed on the c-section.

calum couldn't see his stomach at all. they had blue table cloth like materials boxing in his stomach, that way the doctors and nurses could see what was going on and property deliver this baby.

"y-yeah," calum mumbles, sucking in his bottom lip, "wanna meet our baby."

"alright, are you ready calum?" the doctor asks. there were also nurses on either side of the doctor, gowned up and ready to help deliver the baby.

"yes," calum says. the doctor nods, and then starts the process of the c-section. calum looks up to ashton, who smiles widely and squeezes calums hand.

calum doesn't realize he can't feel ashtons hand, but that way okay, cause he was so ready to meet this baby that has been growing in his tummy for almost nine months.

after what felt like seconds, even though it had been about twenty minutes, one of the monitors starts to beep faster. ashton quickly looks up, and notices that it's calums heart monitor.

then, ashton looks to the doctor.

"get more towels," the doctor says frantically, "he's losing too much blood."

ashtons eyes widen, and he looks down at calum, who's eyes are closed and he's more pale then he was five minutes ago.


"calum will be fine," the doctor stresses, "there just a little more blood loss then there should be."

the nurses come back with more towels, and ashton watches with big eyes. after a couple seconds, calum opens his eyes and looks sleepily.


"hey, calum, my baby," ashton says, tears pooling in his eyes. calum smiles lazily at ashton.

the doctor gasps, and then the cries of a baby echo the room.

ashton and calum both gasp at the same time. it was finally happening. calum starts to cry at the sound of his baby crying.

"its a boy!" the doctor says happily, handing the baby off to a nurse.

"a-ashton!" calum gasps, seeing the bloody covered crying baby, "thats our baby!"

"alright, now im gonna stitch up your incision, and then we'll be all set. the nurses will take your IV out, and then you'll go back to your normal pain medicine."

"when can we see our baby?" calum manages to ask between cries.

"as soon as your baby is weighed, and cleaned off. by the way, what did you want to name your baby boy?"


baby name time! what names are we thinking?
comments? predictions?
love u!

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