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calum did his best to keep his head on straight during the party. which, it worked enough cause ashton didnt say anything to him (ashton just thought calum was a little out of it since paxton was ten months, and it was a little emotional to see your own baby grow up so quickly).

calum was bouncing paxton in his arms (very gently) when they all gathered around the cake, and started to sing happy birthday. calum couldnt hold it in anymore, and the poor boy started to cry halfway during the song.

paxton, with all his innocence, looked at his dada with wide eyes. then, not even a second after seeing his dada cry, the poor baby starts to cry.

"go ahead, cut the cake," ashton whispers to luke, who nods. ashton then turns to calum, places one of his large hands on calums back, and then leads calum away from everyone in the room. their cries echo the house (luckily everyone else just assumed calum was crying because of paxton being ten months) so they just veered away from saying anything to him.

mike and luke cut the cake and hand plates out to friends, while ashton leads calum to the bedroom.

"hey, talk to me," ashton says softly, right after he closed their bedroom door. calum sits down, on the edge of their bed, and keeps a crying paxton on his lap. ashton walks over, and takes paxton out of calums hold with ease.

as soon as paxton is in ashtons arms, the baby stops crying, and starts babbling quietly.

"i-im sorry," calum hiccups, and wipes his eyes.

"why are you sorry?" ashton asks softly, bouncing paxton on his hip. ashton still couldn't read calum - there was something off, but ashton couldn't figure it out. ashton knew it had nothing to do with paxton, though.

"did..." ashton starts, gulping down a bunch of nerves, "did you cheat?"

"what? no!" calum says immediately, "no, absolutely not."

"then talk to me, baby," ashton says, sitting down next to calum, "whats going on?"

"please, don't get mad at me," calum whispers. he doesn't give ashton a chance to respond as he gets up, and goes into the bathroom. ashton just watches with confused eyes. he's got the same expression on his face when calum walks back out, both hands behind his back.

calum sits down next to ashton again, and then holds out the positive pregnancy test.

"is that..." ashton trails off, feeling his own heartbeat up in his throat.

"i took this a couple hours ago, when you left to pick everything up."

"okay. it could be a false positive," ashton says, trying to use every excuse he could. there was no way calum could be pregnant again.

"ashton, i took four tests," calum whispers, and ashton can hear the fear in hus voice, "they all read positive."

ashton just stares at calum. he didnt know what to say.

"im sorry," calum says, feeling his throat close up, "i didnt want to do this right now but....i feel so sick, ashton. this, i just...i don't feel right."

"thats it," ashton says, fishing his phone out of his pocket, "im calling the doctor. that procedure is way overdue, and he can also do an ultrasound before. to see....to see whats all going on."

calum nods, "i think that's our best idea. i don't want to worry you at all, ashton, but...i just don't feel right."

"that makes me worry, calum."

"im sorry."

"don't apologize, sweetie...i just - lets call, and see what the doctor says, okay? and then we'll go back down and enjoy the rest of paxtons party."

calum sniffs, "i can't believe our big boy is ten months old."

"i can't either," ashton whispers, and places a soft kiss to a babbling paxtons head. calum takes his baby back, and when paxton is looking at calum, he squeals and claps his hands down on calums chubby cheeks.

"hey, you silly boy," calum says with a smile.

ashton just giggles, and calls the number that use to be way too familiar about a year ago.


y'all aren't commenting that much ):
predictions? whats gonna happen?
love u!

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