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"come on, paxie," calum says, exhaustion lacing his voice as he rocks the baby in his arms, "you're not hungry, you don't need changed, and you're still crying. why don't you fall asleep already?"

calum was downstairs in the kitchen, away from his bedroom where ashton laid, peacefully asleep, trying to get paxton to sleep. the baby wouldn't, though. calum was going crazy. why did he have to get up this time for paxton?

calum was going on the third hour of his baby crying and honestly calum was going to  start crying soon. the boy was exhausted and paxton wouldn't stop crying. when calum first got him, he needed changed. so, calum changed him and then dressed him back up. then, paxton had started to cry again so calum tried to feed him, and paxton drank all of his bottle.

calum was at a loss.

"here, let's try the paci again," calum says, grabbing the blue paci from the kitchen counter. calum holds it right by paxtons lips, and the baby just turns his head away and keeps crying.

"paxton, please," calum says, his own voice cracking as he tries to not cry. there wasn't anything else calum could think of, since his mind was foggy and all he could process was his baby's cries.

the only thing he could do was pass paxton off to ashton- that way he could go back to sleep for a bit since his body was so tired. calum didn't think ashton would mind, either, since ashton always said he could wake him up whenever.

calum's sock covered feet make barley no noise against the hardwood floor as he makes he way out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and to his bedroom. when calum walks into his room, ashton was already sitting up, lamp on on the nightstand,  because he heard the cries of his baby.

"hey, whats going on?" ashton asks softly, his voice cracky since he just woke up.

"paxton won't stop crying," calum says, letting his own tears start to fall down his cheeks, "i already changed him, fed him, tried to rock him to sleep, and he won't take his paci. please, its been three hours, i can't-"

"hey, breathe for me, okay?" ashton asks softly, standing up. calum nods, and makes out ashton walks towards them through his teary eyes.

"im sorry," calum whispers, "i just couldn't-im so tired, please."

"hey, let me take paxton, yeah? you go lay down," ashton says softly, taking paxton from calums arms. as soon as paxton is in ashtons arms, and is pressed against ashtons bare chest, he stops crying.

calum stares at him with his jaw dropped open.

"you're kidding me," calum whines, starting to get upset for no reason, "you're telling me, you wanted your daddy? thats why you kept me up the past three hours?!"

"hey, baby," ashton says softly, "its okay. go lay down and get some sleep. i'll be back to bed once i get paxton down."

ashton leaves the room after that, a small smile on his face as he carries paxton to his room.

"you're such a stinker, paxie," ashton smiles, rocking the baby in his arms, "keeping your mama up like that, just cause you wanted me."

paxton falls asleep quickly, making ashton smile more as he lays his baby in the crib.

"yeah. you needed your daddy, huh?" ashton whispers, "i love you, paxton."

with a soft kiss to paxtons head, ashton leaves the room and goes back to his own. when he enters, he starts to giggle.

calum was sat up against the headboard, arms over his chest with a pout on his face.

"love, i thought i told you to lay down?" ashton asks, sitting down next to calum.

"that's not fair. paxton went to sleep for you."

"and now you're going to go to sleep for me, yeah?"


"why not? aren't you tired?"

"tired and fucking horny," calum growls, swinging his leg over ashtons lap, so he was straddling the older boy. calums body was exhausted, but watching ashton with paxton like that just did something to him.

calum presses his lips to ashtons, and after a couple swipes of their lips, ashton swings them over so he was on top of calums body.

"you know we can't go all the way, right?" ashton says softly.

"why not?" calum pouts, rutting up against ashtons thigh.

"you've only been home from the hospital for five days," ashton says.

"so? fuck me. right now."

"no," ashton says, "i-i don't want to hurt you, not now. you're still healing."

"ashton, you would never hurt me."

"im not risking it, calum. im sorry."

calum leans up, and pecks ashtons lips.

"i love you, ashy."

"i love you too, love."

"now, can you at least make me come?"

"i'll eat you out, how about that?"

calum nods desperately, and quickly pulls down his boxers. ashton helps by taking them off of calums ankles and throwing them somewhere in the room. calum immediately pulls his knees to his chest and spreads his legs, making room for ashton, who laid comfortably between his thighs.

"fuck, look at you," ashton says, thumbing around the tight pink muscle, "can't wait to feel you again, love."

"please, ash," calum whines, desperation lacing his voice. ashton shushes him, and then places a soft kiss to his hole.

calum knows he isn't going to last long. he hasn't felt ashton touch him like this in so long - with ashtons big hands squeezing his thighs, holding them open-

"holy fuck," calum moans, arching his back as he feels ashton trail his tongue slowly over his hole.

"shh, love," ashton says, lips pressed against his hole, "we don't wanna wake anyone, do we?"


"good boy," ashton says, starting to nip at calums rim. calums thighs twitch in ashtons hold, and calum has to put one of his hands over his mouth to try and quiet himself. ashton flattens his tongue, and licks over his hole again and again, trying to get him to open up just a little bit. it works, after sucking a wet kiss to his hole that has calum positively shaking in his grip.

ashton hums, and slowly pushes his tongue into calum, who whimpers and starts to desperately ride ashtons tongue. the older boy moans, letting calum buck his hips into his face.

it doesn't take long for calum to fall apart.

ashton knows calum is close by him clenching around his tongue, so ashton is quick to sit up and wrap his lips around calums dick in time for the boy to start coming in his mouth.

calums panting. his thighs shake as ashton swallow, and then sits up.

"thank you," calum gasps.

"you're welcome, love. why don't we cuddle and go back to sleep now?"

calum nods. once they're cuddled back up, under the blankets, calum gasps.

"ashton! did you want me to suck your dick?"

"no," ashton giggles, pulling calum tightly against his chest, "i want you to sleep."

"okay," calum hums, "i wanna ride your face all proper next time, though. and i wanna ask the doctor if we can have sex."

"goodnight, calum."

"okay, yeah. goodnight, ash."


idk where the last half came from, i was gonna not write the smut but then i did
comments? predictions?
love u!

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