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the day calum and ashton came home from the hospital, without their twins, was also a hard day. it was like, they had left part of their hearts on that hospital bed.

calum also left a part of himself at the hospital. as they put calum under anesthesia, to help remove the fetus', they also removed all of his eggs so he couldnt ever get pregnant again. it was a hard decision, but it didn't matter to ashton. calums life was what mattered, along with paxtons.

yet, ashton and calum had good friends, who were such a good backbone to the couple. they needed support, and luke and michael had that support for them.

"hey, cal, ash," luke says, standing up from the couch with a sleeping paxton in his arms. michael stands up afterwards, and looks at calum sadly.

calums own face carried such sadness, just like ashtons.

"hey, guys," ashton says, shutting the door behind them, "how has paxie been?"

"paxtons been amazing," luke says, trying to hold a smile on his face. calum, who wasn't even close to being ready to speak, just slowly walks over to luke.

they all watch as luke hands a sleeping paxton off to calum. as soon as his baby is in his arms, paxton wakes up.

when paxton sees who is holding him, a huge smile growns on his face. the baby starts to bablle happily, and lay his tiny hands on calums cheeks.

"hi, paxie," calum whispers. he places a kiss to paxtons head, making the baby squeal in happiness, then slowly starts to carry his baby out of the room.

all three of them watch as calum goes in the direction of the stairs, probably going to his room.

"how is he?" michael asks softly, turning back to look at a sad ashton.

"he's...as okay as he can be, i guess," ashton mumbles, "they safely got both fetus' from him, stitched some of his insides up since they ripped him apart, and then removed all of his eggs. he's gonna be sore the next couple days, which is expected."

"is there anything we can do?" luke asks, turning to michael and then back to ashton, "cause we're here for you. both of you, obviously."

"i don't think so," ashton says, taking a deep breath, "i think we're just...gonna keep going. gonna take care of paxton like usual, along with mourning."

"did you want me to talk to calum?" michael asks, and it makes ashtons heart flutter. ashton could hear the worry straining michaels voice.

"maybe soon, but not now. i think calum just needs to be alone, for today at least."

"so come back tomorrow?"

"yeah," ashton says, nodding softly, "if you'd like to come back tomorrow, that would be great. i think our minds will be somewhat clearer tomorrow...i hope."

luke smiles, "okay. you know how to reach us if you need us. we'll be back tomorrow. just...stay safe today."

they leave with quiet goodbyes, and after ashton watches them leave, he goes upstairs to check up on calum.

"hey, love?" ashton calls into the hallway, staying still for a couple seconds that way he could listen for a response. of course, he doesn't get one (and he really didn't expect one, either).

ashton slowly walks into their bedroom, and feels his broken heart beat for a couple beats. calum was laying on his side, fast asleep on the bed with the baby sleeping next to him.

ashton, even carrying the broken heart with him, lays on the other side of the baby.

with how long the day had been, it doesn't take long for ashton to fall asleep.


sorry im so late
comments? predictions?
love u

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