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being 22 weeks pregnant, was not fun at all. calums body hurt, or ached, all the time. his nipples were extremely sensitive, his ankles were already swelling a bit. the boy had only put on about twenty pounds. there was an obvious baby bump, that still had a couple months to grow even bigger.

ashton felt something bubbling in the lower parts of his stomach when he saw calums baby bump. it made ashton want to cry. the love of his live, carrying their child...ashton just couldnt fathom the risks. that terrified him, but luckily calum was there to keep him going.

the doctors appointments were getting to be a lot, for calum. it felt like every other day he had to get up, and have the doctor examine him. he knew the day was getting closer where he wouldnt be able to get out of bed at all. the doctors predicted that if he hit his 30 week mark, he'd end up being admitted into the hospital until the baby was born (the doctor thought he could be admitted in earlier, too, depending on how the pregnancy went).

they could only wait and see. 

"ow, ow! fuck!"

"calum, baby?" ashton gasps out, rushing into the bedroom where calum laid. calum looks up at ashton when he enters the room, a blush on his face.

"sorry, ash," calum says, holding his foot.

"what did you do? is everything okay?" ashton asks softly, sitting down next to calum.

"i was getting up to go to the kitchen and i stubbed my toe. im okay, ash. i promise," calum says sheepishly. a loud sigh escapes ashton as he visibly relaxes.

"you scared me, baby," ashton says softly, "what did you need from the kitchen? i can get it for you."

"im just hungry," calum says, "i wasnt sure what i wanted."

"how about i order us some dinner tonight? we can eat in bed and watch a movie," ashton suggests. anything to keep calum in bed. calum seems to love the idea.

"yeah! can we get chipotle? please? i want a burrito with extra sour cream and queso!" calum exclaims happily. ashton goes to open his mouth, and as he does, calums stomach let's out a loud growl.

they both stay silent for a second, then they both burst into laughter.

"okay, okay, i'll place the order. your usual, right? with extra sour cream and queso?" ashton asks. calum nods happily, a big smile on his face.


the end of the movie rolls around. calums leaning his head on ashtons shoulder, while one of his hands rests on his tummy. the trash was all in the paper bag, on the floor next to the bed.

"alright, let me go throw this away while you put another movie on, okay? how does that sound?" ashton asks, slowly sitting up. calum lifts his head up, and nods as he watches ashton leave the room holding the trash bag.

they move around flawlessly. calum puts on parks and rec, then ashton comes in and sits down right next to calum. they cuddle back up, and play the show. at some point, ashton lays his hand on calums stomach, making calum smile. after a bit, ashton almost jumps out of his own skin.

"oh my god!" ashton yells, taking his hand away from calums stomach before putting his hand back on his stomach.

"what?" calum asks, eyes wide.

ashton smiles widely, "i-i felt the baby kick!"

ashtons smiling so wide - he's filled with so much happiness. it makes calum just as happily.

"yeah, the baby kicks," calum says softly, smiling as he watches ashton move his hand around the baby bump.

"does it hurt?" ashton asks, looking at calum with wonder in his eyes.

"it's a little uncomfortable," calum admits, "but it's so amazing, ash."

"it is," ashton says, then leans in to press a soft kiss to calums lips.

even in all the bad, there was still some good. ashton will never, never forget the first time he felt his baby kick.

best day ever.


felt like u guys needed a cute chapter in lieu for what's ahead
comments? predictions?
love u!

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