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"alright, are you boys ready to go home?"

"absolutely," calum says, a huge smile on his face as he sits in a wheelchair with his five day old baby in his arms, "paxie and i are both ready to go home."

"good. now, you have my personal number. if you boys need anything, you know how to reach me. i want to see your baby in two weeks to see how he's doing. i also want to see you in two weeks, calum, to see how you're doing and to check up on that incision."

"yes, thank you doc," calum says, "paxie and i will be back in two weeks."

"good. now rest up, all of you. i don't want to see you back unless its for an appointment."

the doctor waves them off afterwards, and let's them make their way outside. ashton wheeled calum all the way out to the car, where luke and michael were also waiting.

"are you two daddies ready to go home?" luke asks, a smug smile on his face. of course, he was extremely happy that they were able to have a healthy kid, but of course he also had to tease them.

"absolutely," calum says, "i haven't been home in so long, i think i forgot what it looks like."

"no you don't," ashton says, taking paxie from his arms.

"you're right, i don't. im just ready to go home," calum says, taking a couple seconds longer to get up from the wheelchair. ashton gets paxie all situated in his car seat, and then turns to calum.

"im ready to take you home, love."

"alright, don't make me puke," michael says, then turns to ash, "luke and i are gonna stop for dinner, and then we'll be over to your house."

"thank you so much," ashton says, smiling. calum frowns, confused. they were getting dinner? oh well. he would eat it anyway.

luke and michael say their goodbyes, and walk off to their own car, leaving calum and ashton to finally make their way home.


"ashton, can you make me a bottle, please?" calum asks, sitting down on the couch while trying to calm a crying paxton. ashton sets the baby bag down next to the couch calum is sitting on, and nods as he rushes into the kitchen to grab the formula.

"shh, sweetie," calum says, gently rocking the crying baby in his arms. it had felt so good to be back at home. but, as soon as he stepped into the house, paxton had started to crying. so, there wasn't much enjoying it at the moment.

"okay, here you are," ashton says softly, handing calum the bottle.

"thanks," calum says, then holds the nipple of the bottle up to paxtons lips. the baby stops crying, and starts to drink the formula from the bottle.

"there's my good boy," calum says softly, a smile on his face. ashton rests his chin over calums shoulder, and smiles at their baby.

"paxie is so cute. i love him so much," ashton whispers.

"i love him too," calum says, turning his head a bit to look at ashton, "i also love you."

"i love you too," ashton says, and pecks calums nose. suddenly, the door opens and lukes loud voice echoes the house.

"we're here with the food, daddies!"

luckily, paxton just keeps drinking away, seeming to be happy since he was drinking away. calum smiles at paxton, and then smiles at ashton.

there was nowhere else calum would rather be at. his heart felt full. there he was - at home. ashton by his side, and paxton in his arms. and then, his best friends with food.


cute chapter
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love u

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