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calum is silent the who way home.

ashton didnt answer his phone call, which he knew ashton wouldn't answer since he's at work but it still made him upset.


calum looks over to michael.

"are you okay?"

"no, mike!" calum yells out frustratedly, "im pregnant? four months pregnant? and they wanna shove another camera up my ass to change the direction of the fetus? and he wants me to see him regularly, to check up on this baby and he wants me to take estrogen?"


"it's a lot to take in, michael. i want ashton. hell, is ashton still gonna want me when he finds out im pregnant?"

"are you serious?" michael says, rolling his eyes, "in case you forgot, ashton loves you. he's sickly in love with you. ashton would never leave you."

"you don't know that."

"look, do you want me with you when you tell him, would that make you feel better?"

"i dont know, mike. i don't know."

michael sighs, "how about, we go get some milkshakes? and by the time we get back home, ashton should be here and then you can tell me if you need me here or not."

"okay," calum says after a couple minutes, slowly nodding, "yeah, that sounds fine. im actually hungry, really. wanna go to maccas?"

"sure thing, cal."


calum feels fine. he happily ate his twenty chicken nuggets with sweet and sour, his two double cheeseburgers, and his mcchicken. he's almost done with his chocolate milkshake when they pull into the driveway again, and then that sick feeling pools at the bottom of calums gut again.

ashtons car is parked in the driveway, alerting calum that he's home and he has to tell ashton tonight.

ashtons reaction is what scared him the most.

would ashton leave him? would ashton tell him to get rid of the fetus? there was so many ways ashton could take it. calum was focused on the bad ones, and not the good ones.

"so...am i leaving or staying?"

"i..." calum trails off, "i need to do this on my own, mike. i'll call you if i need you. thank you so much, michael. i appreciate everything you do for me."

"you're welcome, cal," michael says, giving calum a fist bump, "everything will be okay. you know this. now i'll see you later."

calum nods, biding michael a goodbye as he watches his best friend drive away. once michaels out of sight, calum slowly makes his way inside.

tears form in his sad, brown eyes as he steps inside, and shuts the door quietly behind him. the tv echoes from the family room, so calum expects ashton to be in there.

"ashy?" calum calls out softly once he enters the family room. ashton turns around, and instantly smiles when he sees calum.

"calum, baby, hey," ashton says, rushing over to the sad boy, "what's wrong?"

"the doctor called," calum whispers, looking up at ashton, "michael went with me back to the hospital to see him."

"come on, let's sit," ashton says, leading calum over to the couch. they both sit down, and ashton keeps an arm around calums waist to help comfort him.

"what did the doctor say?"

calum starts to cry after that question. the fact that calum starts crying, doesn't make ashton feel any better.

"babyboy...please, what is it?" ashton whispers, holding calum close as calum cries into his shirt softly. after a couple minutes, calum slowly pulls back and looks into ashtons eyes.

"ashy...im pregnant."

ashton stares at calum for a couple seconds before bursting into laughter.

"no, seriously, what is it?"

calum starts to cry more. ashton didnt believe him.

"im actually pregnant, you asshole!" calum snarls, tears flowing freely down calums cheeks. ashton stops laughing, and visibly pales.


"im pregnant," calum says again, placing his hand over his stomach, "theres complications with the baby...we- or just me...have to go back to the hospital friday. i know you had that day off so i made it then..."

the last thing ashton hears is calum calling out his name before everything turns black.


so, what do we think?
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