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when ashton walks into paxtons bedroom, he wasn't expecting to see calum, who sat on the rocking chair in the room with paxton in his arms, crying.

"honey, what's wrong?" ashton asks softly, rushing over to calum. more tears fall down his flushed cheeks, so ashton goes to take paxton out of calums hold.

thats when calum snaps.

"don't you dare take my baby!"

"woah, okay," ashton says, holding his hands up as he stepped back. calum hiccups, and presses his wet lips to paxtons head.

paxton doesn't seem to know whats going on. the baby just gurgles and hums, seemijg very content with his own fingers. ashton frowns, confused with the whole thing. paxton was okay, and calum was okay before. he didn't know what switched inside of calum to make him snap like that.

"calum, honey, whats wrong?" ashton asks softly. calum squeezes his eyes shut, and tries to hold his cries in. ashton just watches calum, confused as ever. what had happened?

"sweetie, talk to me. why are you crying? what happened?" ashton asks, desperate for any sort of explanation. anything that would help him understand and try to help calum.

"p-paxton's gonna be s-seven months old," calum cries, looking up at ashton. more tears fall down his cheeks, and then it clicks in ashtons head.

calums crying because its already been seven months. paxton is going to be seven months old. paxtons also grown, a lot. their baby has definitely put on some weight, if he remembers correctly paxton was twenty one pounds. paxton was also becoming more independent. the baby would rock back amd forth on his knees, and play with his toys more.

"he is gonna be seven months, honey," ashton says softly, moving closer to calum, "is that why you're upset?"

calum sniffs, and shakes his head, "l-look."

ashton frowns, but leans in to look at paxton. the baby opens his mouth, and that's when ashton sees it. there's two teeth poking out from his gums. they were on the bottom gums, next to each other. two tiny baby teeth.

"tell him to stop!" calum cries, "i don't want him growing up so fast. my baby!"

"sweetie," ashton says softly, laying his hand on top of calums, "no matter how old he is, he will always be our little baby. won't he?"

calum nods.

"so, we just have to cherish today. right? everything that happened today, i will cherish for the rest of my life."


"yes. i got to lie in with you. paxton got up after we did. he ate everything, and he played a little today. his teeth are coming in, and he's perfectly healthy. you're healthy, your incision healed perfectly, you're surgery went good. you're married to me, and fuck, i love you so much."

"dont cuss in front of paxton," calum says, giggling softly.

"sorry, i forgot. anyway, you get what i mean, yeah? i want time to stop, because with each passing day that means we get older. it means another day closer to my last. and i can't stop that. but you know what i can do? cherish my time here, with you and paxton. i can enjoy today, since im here with you."

calum sniffs again, "i love you so much."

"i love you too. now, why don't we set paxton down on his play mat? i want to watch him play," ashton says with a smile. calum is quick to agree, and set his babbling baby down on the play mat.

the two parents curl up together, right by paxtons play mat, and they bask in each other's happiness.

in the end, calum knew ashton was right. all the had was today. calum couldnt make time stop, so why spend so much time wishing it would? that time wasted wishing, was time that calum could be using to be with the ones that mattered. the ones that made time nonexistant. the ones that made calum feel.

and, calum didnt feel anything but love.


double update because this kinda just flooded my mind, and i have other ideas that i want to write! plus, i love u guys so why not
comments? predictions?
love u!

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