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calum, and the baby, got to go home after three more days in the hospital. they both were deemed happy and healthy, which was good news to ashton. but, calum had to go back in a week, for a check up. since the closer they got to the pregnancy, the more they were going to have to be at the hospital.

"hey, do you need help?" ashton asks softly, watching as calum waddled to the couch with a hand resting on his tummy.

"no, im okay," calum says, sighing as he slowly sits down, keeping his hand atop his baby bump. ashton nods, and goes to turn around but is once again stopped by calum.

"hey, ash?"

"yes, honey?"

"can you get me some apple juice, please? im thirsty."

"of course. i'll get it for you right now," ashton says, then rushes over into the kitchen. ever since calums gotten his baby bump, he's always got a hand resting on it. whenever ashton sees calum, walking about with his hand on that baby bump...it does something to ashton.

ashton wants to just-

"ashy! can i have some chocolate too, please?"

"y-yeah!" ashton yells back, shaking his head to try and get rid of those thoughts. he gets calums chocolate bar, and juice, luckily, without those thoughts swirling around in his head.

"ooooh, thank you so much!" calum squeaks happily once ashton walks around the couch, and sits down next to him.

"wait, did you take your estrogen this morning?" ashton asks, turning to look at calum. calum smiles, and nods as he gently rubs his hand over his bump. there it was again, calum touching the bump - ashton was going to lose it. its like calum knew what he was doing, but he didn't know at the same time.

ashton wanted to just lay him down, kiss all over his body-

"ashton? are you okay?"

ashton blinks a couple times, and shakes his head, "yeah, what?"

"i asked if you were okay," calum says, "you kinda spaced out on me. what's going on? you're also hard. what're you thinking about?"



"it's just- you're glowing," ashton whines, "i want to lay you down and fuck you so hard, i want to kiss all over your bump, i want to do anything and everything. but you're pregnant and i am not going to take any risks. im not willing to hurt you or the baby."

"awe," calum coos softly, "you think im sexy as fuck pregnant, dont you?"

"that's not- calum," ashton sighs, rubbing his eyes. calum giggles.

it had been noticable to calum, how ashton had been spacing out a bit more. calum, at first, wasnt going to say anything. he didn't want to ask about it cause he knew ashton would talk about it at some point.

it was good to know what ashtons problem was now, though. calum was going to tease him for the rest of their lives.

"you wanna have sex?" calum says, gripping ashtons thigh, "then let's have sex."

"no!" ashton squeals, "i dont wanna...you know...hurt the baby or whatever."

"i don't think you're gonna hurt the baby," calum says softly.

"i dont care, im not risking it."

"well..." calum hums, still gripping ashtons thigh, "do you want me to suck you off?"

"fuck yes, i do. but no, no. i dont."

calum sighs. he knows what ashtons thinking; that he's gonna break or crack with a simple touch. so, he needed ashton to know that everything was going to be okay, and that he wouldn't break with any touch.

"what if we asked the doctor, babe?" calum asks softly, moving his hand from ashtons thigh to his forearm. he gently starts to rub at ashtons tense muscles, trying to relax his arm.

"what do you mean?"

"what if we asked the doctor about sex? next week when we go? we can talk to him about what's going on and what's the safest way, if we can."

ashton thinks for a couple seconds, "yeah. yeah, that sound fine. we can talk to the doctor. that would make me feel better."

"good," calum smiles, kissing ashtons cheek, "now can we order dinner? i want pasta."

ashton giggles, "i'll go order some dinner."


so, what are we thinking
can they do the do or not?
comments? predictions?
love u!

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