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after a week of different testing, the couple was once again sat in the exam room, a sleeping paxton comfortable in calums arms. they wait as anxiety floods their veins and dizziness clouded their minds.

it felt like forever to them, but it was a mere couple of minutes until the doctor knocked on the door, and then entered.

"hello boys."

"hey, doc," calum says, biting his lip afterwards.

"do you have the results?" ashton asks, cutting right to the point. they both wanted to know since they had been waiting for a week.

"i do," the doctor says, nodding as he sits down, "paxton is deaf. now, before-"

tears cloud calums eyes quickly as he lets out a loud sob. it sucked, it sucked so bad, and calum couldnt stop the tears. his baby, his baby was deaf and the thought alone just tore calum apart. his baby would never get to hear his voice. his baby would never be able to speak properly, and calum would most likely never hear paxton talk. to baby voice, no pre teen voice, no puberty voice, nothing.

it felt like some part of calum was ripped away.

"oh, sweetie," ashton says softly, rubbing a comforting hand on calums back. ashton felt something strike in his gut as well, but at the same time he wasn't too overwhelmed. the biy saw it coming, and honestly, ashton was thankful that it was nothing life threatening. they could always learn to live with it (even though it did suck. ashton always dreamed of hearing his boy say daddy for the first time, and i love you.)

"boys, millions of people are deaf, and lots of people are actually born deaf. unfortunately, paxtons ear drums didn't react to any noise, so that tells me that paxton is completely deaf, and special hearing aids would not help him. and, before you ask, no it will not change in the future. so, im referring you to a specialist who can look into this further, and also set you up with sign language class. of course, when paxton gets older, he will also grow up learning sign language."

calum nods, and wipes his eyes.

"we'll be okay," calum whispers, holding his baby closer to his chest. paxton still continues to sleep, making calum smile a bit.

"thank you so much," ashton says, "we're just...we're still so grateful, for everything. you've helped us so much."

"its no problem," the doctor says, "now, the specialists name is mr. charlie puth. he's located about an hour and a half away, though, but he's done some of the best work i've ever seen."


"hey, how are you feeling?" ashton asks quietly, crawling next to calum in bed. the younger man sighs, and curls up against ashtons chest.

"im okay," calum mumbles, "i did too much thinking earlier. im tired out."

ashton giggles, "you wanna sleep then? we can talk tomorrow morning?"

"of course, ashy," calum smiles, "i love you."

"i love you too."

they close their eyes, and it feels like 5 seconds after they do paxtons cries echo the house.


"i'll get paxton."

"thanks, ash. you're the best."


i hope this lil chapter holds u guys for a bit
got the charlie puth idea from ScaredSackless
comments? predictions?
love u

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