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"do you have paxtons gifts?" calum asks as he feeds paxton. the baby just drinks his warm milk happily, not a care in the world.

today, paxton turns one year old.

it felt like, to both boys, paxton was born yesterday. the whole year had flied by, and as expected, calum was extremely emotional. his baby was growing up, and he was growing up fast. calum didn't like that, of course. if calum could have it his way, he'd keep paxton young forever.

"yes, baby. paxtons gifts are wrapped and ready to go," ashton says, a smile on his face as he finishes hanging up the happy birthday sign up on the wall.

"awesome, thank you so much," calum says, smiling down at paxton. the baby just focuses on drinking his milk since he was pretty hungry.

ashton smiles at the two. they had planned a birthday for paxton today, but ashton also planned something else for just himself, and calum. besides, he knew luke and michael would want to spend some time with paxton anyway.

ashton wanted some alone time with his baby.

"when should everyone be over?" calum asks, tearing ashton from his thoughts.

"around two. so, soon. im almost done getting ready, i promise."


"one...two...three, happy birthday!" everyone says, cheering happily as paxton gives them smiles from his four in one superseat. the baby, in all his happiness, squeals loudly and claps his hands. there was so much happiness swirling around the room, the baby could just bask in it all day.

presents line the family room for paxton (they knew they wouldn't be able to open all the presents tonight. especially since calum was wearing a pretty pastel pink skirt that ashton just wanted to rip off). calum was carrying a cupcake (with no wrapper and a minimal amount of frosting) over to paxton, who looks at his dada with wide, curious eyes.

paxton starts clapping his hands as calum gets closer, and then as soon as calum sets the cupcake down, paxton is smashing his little hands into the cake. all of them watch in awe as paxton eats his cupcake happily.

"hey, when did you want us to take paxton out to the park?" luke asks, coming up behind ashton.

calum was too focused on watching paxton eat his cupcake, while also trying to match paxtons level of happiness. it made ashtons heart warm, and happy.

"about six should be fine," ashton says, taking another sip of his coke, "and stay out for at least an hour, please."

"you know, we might not even come back with paxton," luke says, making michael chuckle.

"yeah, we might keep paxie for ourselves."

"keep paxton, and calum will have your asses plastered on our wall."

"yeah, i can see that happening. i like my ass and wanna keep it."


"why are they taking paxton?" calum asks with a pout, "he's one today, he should be here with us."

"darling, they're taking him to the park. to walk around. then they're coming back. just let paxton enjoy some time with his uncles. besides...you wore a skirt today."


"so? i know you have a pair of panties on underneath. you can't wear a skirt and not expect me to rip it off of you."


"ashton! calum!" lukes voice echoes the house, making the two turn their heads to the doorway, "we're leaving with paxton! come say goodbye!"

calum and ashton rush down to say goodbye to their boy, which was quick since calum was already hardening under his skirt. ashton knew it wouldn't take much to rile him up.

calum watches as luke and michael drive away. as soon as their car isn't in sight anymore, a horny ashton pounces on him.

"i've been thinking about you all day," ashton groans, a hand immediately sliding up calums skirt to grip at his thigh, "been thinking about your legs in this skirt and how easy it is to just flip it up and have you ride me."

"nngh, ashton, please," calum sighs out, spreading his legs further apart, "want you, please."

"such a good boy, hmm?" ashton hums, kissing his neck, "gonna let me prep you, baby?"

"yes, please, daddy,"

"bend over the couch, then."

calum goes to bend over the arm rest, but is stopped when ashton clears his throat.

"bend over the back of the couch," ashton says, with a nod, making calum blush. he does as told anyway, and bends over the back of his couch. his ass is perched right on the egde, his thighs are spread open, and ashton was just about to come looking at home.

a hand goes up calums skirt harshly, making him gasp as his panties are ripped off.

"such a slut for me, baby," ashton says, flipping calums skirt up so his ass was full on display. calum opens his mouth, to respond, but ashtons hands are spreading his cheeks and then there's a tongue licking over his puckered rim.

"o-oh! oh!" calum gasps. there was come leaking on the inside of calums skirt, but he could care less. the feeling of ashtons tongue, licking over him, making him open up a little more after each lick - that's all he could think about.

ashtons licks get more desperate. after one slow, torturous lick, ashton starts to suck a wet kiss onto the clenching muscle. calum cries out, and pushes his bum back into ashtons face.

ashton pulls back, lands a slap! to calums wet hole, making calum squeal and hump the couch.

the rest of prepping goes fast - calum opened up so nicely on ashtons fingers, and ashton was just amazed at how calums little pink hole opened up easily.

"alright, up," ashton says as he pulls his fingers out. he lands another hit to calums hole, making calum cry out once again and close his thighs. as calum gets off the couch with wobbly legs, ashton goes and sits on the couch. his rock hard prick stands up, pre come leaking down the head as calum stands in front of him.

"come on, sweetheart," ashton says, thighs spread apart, "sit down, yeah?"

calum climbs onto ashtons lap, thighs still shaky as he lines himself up, and with ashtons help, starts to sink down.

"oh, yeah, so perfect," ashton moans, hands gripping calums hips, "you're always so pretty in your skirts."

"a-ahh," calum moans, cheeks pink as he lifts himself up, and sinks back down, "s-so big."

"so tight," ashton moans, helping calum lift up. a loud gasp is ripped from calum's lips as ashton harshly tugs calum back down onto his leaking member.

calum pants and whines as he rides ashton faster. ashton thought calum looked so pretty riding him in a skirt. a pretty pastel pink.

calum started to tighten around him, and ashton knew he was getting close. so, to help them both, ashton starts thrusting up into calums tight heat.

"OH!" calum cries out, tipping his head back, "y-yeah! h-harder!"

ashton grunts, and thrusts up into calum harder, making calum whine loudly.

they come at the same time calum cries out, and digs his nails into ashtons biceps as ashton leans forward, and bites down on capums pulse.

once they come back to it, the front door is being opened.

"ashton! calum! we're back!"


calum in skirts does something to me
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