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luke and michael sit in silence.

after that pained phone call, they just didn't have anything to say. all of their thoughts were with ashton, calum, and their twins. of course, they told ashton they would stay at the house and watch paxton until everything was alright, and they were able to come back home.

both boys just sat in the kitchen, and stared into space until paxton started to cry, which jolted them back to reality.

"i'll get him," luke mumbles, quietly exiting the kitchen. michael watches with sad eyes as luke walks out.

michael remembers the day they found out calum was pregnant. the poor boy had been sick for so long, and when the doctor said there was a fetus growing inside him, it looked like calum was about to pass out right where he was.

it had taken michael a moment to actually let the words sink in, too. michael remembers how terrified calum, and how terrified ashton had also been. it made michael laugh now - the expression on calums face, along with calum turning really pale was something michael could let himself laugh at.

michael remembers the day paxton was born, not that his birth was that long ago anyway. the happiness that radiated from both ashton and calum - it was something michael would also remember forever. calum wore a huge smile all day. calum was glowing. and ashton - ashton had nothing but love and adoration in his eyes for his baby and his lover.

the day was filled with so much happiness, and love, and the miracle that was called paxton. one of the best days of all of their lives.

and now, today, with the heartbreaking loss of their twins...it felt dark. like, the love that was paxton could still be felt in the dark. his love would never, ever get weaker in the dark - but the dark still held the loss.

michael was so wrapped up in his thoughts - he didn't hear luke coming back to the kitchen.

"hey, mikey?"

"yeah, hey luke, what's up?"

"can you make paxton a bottle? i think he's hungry," luke says, bouncing a crying paxton in his arms. michael nods, and gets to making paxton a bottle.

"do you...," luke starts, biting his lip as he thinks about how he wants to word his question, "do you think calums gonna have his procedure done? before they come back?"

"i don't know, lu," michael says, handing luke the bottle, "i don't know."


calums room was silent.

besides the beeping of the machines. ashton sat next to his bed, while he held calums hand so tight - afraid that calum might slip through his fingers if he loosened his grip. it had been a rough day.

so many tears had slipped from both of their sad eyes, and ashton thought if they would've kept those tears they could've filled an entire lake. even though they knew they would never get to meet their twins - it was still such a devastating time.

ashton didnt know what to say, either. of course, he felt bad because all he wanted to do was console calums cries, and to help calum through his pain, but he couldn't because he was trying to work through his own pain. once the pain wasn't a bad as it was - it was running through ashtons veins and stabbing at his heart.

ashton wouldn't dare ever wish this kind of hurt upon anybody.

calums cries and sobs also tore him apart. they were filled with hurt, pain, sadness, and anger. yet, they needed to work through it. they needed to cry, and they needed to scream.

most of all, they needed each other.

as long as they kept their fingers intertwined, they would be fine. they had each other.

even though the day had been so long, and it felt like this pain would never ever end...

they always had each other, and paxton.


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love u!

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