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"hey, doc, its good to see you," calum says softly, holding a sleeping paxton in his arms.

"same to you, calum. how have you been feeling?" the doctor asks, sitting down across from calum in the small examination room. ashton stands next to calum, who is sat on the exam bed. paxton's quiet breathing echoes the room, making calums heart flutter.

the fact that he created life with the love of his life...it will forever amaze him.

"i've been doing good, actually," calum says, "the incision is healing nicely. im taking my medicine and applying the cream, just like you said to."

"that's good to hear. now, how has paxton been doing? has he been taking his formulas good, without a fuss?"

"absolutely. paxton does the normal crying when he neede changed, wants to eat, or wants to suck on his pacifier. otherwise, he eats normally and his bowel movements are normal," ashton says, gently rubbing calums back.

the doctor nods, and keeps typing on his computer for a couple moments. then, he looks up and smiles.

"is it okay if i take a look over paxton?"

"yes, absolutely," calum says softly. the doctor sanitizes his hands, puts his gloves on, and then gently takes paxton from calums arms.

"let's get his weight first."

"awe, i wonder how much weight he's gained," calum says in awe, watching as the doctor gently lays his baby on a small, grey weight scale, made just for new borns.

"paxton is nineteen ounces," the doctor says, picking the baby back up, "he's gained twelve ounces. that's really good."

"my baby," calum says, a proud smile on his face. after the doctor does a couple more things, he then hands paxton off to ashton.

"alright, paxton is right where he needs to be. you have a perfectly healthy two week old. now, can you lay down for me, calum? i would like to look at your incision."

"yes, i can," calum says, slowly moving up the bed so he could lay down. then, he moves his shirt up. the doctor takes the bandage off, and then stays quiet as he looks at the stitched up skin.

"alright," the doctor says, smiling at them, "are you ready for me to take these stitches out, calum?"

calum gasps. of course he was ready...he just didn't expect to get them taken out today. the doctor knew that, and purposely didn't say anything that way calum wouldn't worry.

"can ashton stay?" calum says, a little nervous.

"of course. it will only take a moment," the doctor says. ashton, still holding paxton, stays right by calums side as the doctor slowly pulls the stitches out.

"alright, all done."

"thats it?" calum asks, "i didnt feel much at all."

"you usually dont," the doctor says with a smile, "keep taking your medicine, and apply the cream every other day for the next week. if anything happens, call me immediately."

"thank you," ashton says, rocking paxton in his arms, "you really don't understand how grateful calum and i are for you."

the doctor smiles, "thank you boys for letting me be along for the way. its been so amazing to watch you bring life into the world. i will forever be amazed."


"i really like our doctor," calum says, taping the new diaper on paxtons tiny waist.

"i do too," ashton says, putting a couple toys in their bins, "he's truly a blessing in disguise."

paxtons noises echo the room along with their voices, and honestly calums heart has never felt so full. paxton was calums life now. so was ashton, but paxton was both of them together.

"you're a blessing in disguise, ashton."

"and you're my guardian angel, calum. i love you with my whole heart. thank you for always being by my side."

calum sniffs, feeling the strong storm of emotions swirl up in his chest like a tornado.

"if i could bend over right here, i would."

"calum, not in front of paxie!"


short, cute chapter
comments? predictions?
love u!

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