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"so, did you want to know the sex of the baby?"

"no, we dont. we want to wait until birth," calum says softly, smiling widely at the doctor who was running their ultrasound.

"okay. well then, you have a healthy, twenty four week old baby," the doctor smiles, grabbing the cloth so he could wipe the lube like substance off of calums swollen belly.

"so, doctor," calum casually says, "can we have sex while im pregnant, or is that a big no?"

"calum, really? now?" ashton sighs, feeling his cheeks heat up with embarrassment. he felt like he should of known calum would just throw that question out as he's got his tummy out, with the doctor cleaning up from the ultrasound.

"no, that's okay," the doctor says, laying the cloth back down on his table, "yes, you can have sex. your penis will not touch the baby. but, nothing extraordinary. it would be perfectly safe for positions with calum on his back. any other questions?"

"yes," ashton says, beating calum to it, "you're absolutely certain that...that i wont like, hurt the baby?"

"yes. if you two decide to have sex, your penis will not reach the baby at all. you're both absolutely fine."

"is there anything i should do differently?" calum asks, before ashton could go on about hurting the baby again. ashton frowns, and looks over at calum.

"well, use protection. make sure to check for bleeding. since your heavily pregnant, you have a higher risk for bleeding during and or after sex. i would also, high recommend using an enema afterwards to clean yourself out. otherwise just use extra lube, and be extra careful."

"okay, thank you," calum says, smiling, turning his attention to ashton.

"you're welcome. now, i want to see you back here in a week for your next checkup, and please, call if you have any questions or if you need anything."

"absolutely. you've been so helpful through all of this. i cant thank you enough."


"holy fucking shit!"

"fuck, you're so tight," ashton grunts, slowly pushing his finger in and out of calum. as soon as they made it into the bedroom, they stripped naked and ashton laid calum down gently on the bed.

he made sure there was a pillow under calums bum, and under his head, so he was comfortable.

"fuck, add another," calum moans out, pushing his ass back onto ashtons finger. ashton cant even respond back, since his mouth was watering at the sight of his pregnant boyfriend all spread open for him. so, he easily adds a second finger making calum moan louder. ashtons so painfully hard, and the fact that calums so tight around his two finger doesn't help him at all.

"come on!" calum whines, blindly reaching for ashtons wrist, "fuck me already!"

"no," ashton grunts. it takes all his willpower to finish prepping calum, since all he wanted to do was feel that tight heat around-"

"holy shit," calum sighs out, "finally."

ashton removes his fingers, and makes sure to use extra lube, and a condom. calums making grabby hands at ashton, so ready for his boyfriend to be back inside him.

"tell me to stop if you-"

"i will," calum growls, "now fuck me."

ashton was taken aback when calum growled, so he just nods and slowly starts to push into calum. calum lets out a long, drawn out moan as ashton pushes in and bottoms out.

calums squirting come all over his pregnant belly once ashton bottoms out, making ashton gasp. he stays in long enough for calum to come down from his high, and then he starts to pull out.

"no!" calum yells, "i said fuck me, damnit! it's been too long, so you better fuck me before i tie you down and-FUCK!"

ashton smirks, and starts to fuck calum with short, quick thrusts. he knew he wouldnt last long anyway, not with how tight calum was.

"you're so beautiful," ashton grunts out, moving one hand to rest atop of calums belly as he fucks into him. the comment makes calum whimper.

"you-you're so good," calum sighs out. his thighs tightened around ashtons waist as he felt himself get closer to a second orgasm.

"you're good, fuck," ashton grunts, chasing his own high, "glowing. you're beautiful."

ashton grunts as he comes into the condom, and he can't help but giggle as he's trying to catch his breath since calums harshly tugging himself off.

after half a dozen tugs, he's coming again, all over his tummy.

"fuck!" ashton cries, and slowly pulls out, "are you bleeding? was that too hard?"

"im fine!" calum smiles, catching his own breath, "i dont really wanna, ya know, do the enema but i think i should."

"i don't care if you dont wanna do it cause you are," ashton says, climbing off the bed, "after i clean you up, i'll grab your body pillow that way you can lay on your side, and then we'll start."

"okay, daddy."


enjoy u lol hornies
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